You?! (part 3)

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"I-I think maybe I still have. Let's go now, I don't feel comfortable talking about this. Besides she's coming home with us." I told him awkwardly.

"I think you guys would be a good couple. If you still like her...marry her. You aren't that old yet. Y/N Malfoy sounds good to me. Besides I really do like her very much. And also we're here." Scorpius said. Wait what marry her?! She doesn't even like me anymore...I think. Well I hope she does, because Scorpius is right Y/N Malfoy really does sound good.

And then we walked up to the Headmaster office, and then we saw who it was...


"Longbottom?!" I asked, looking at him up and down. He's changed.

"Yes, Malfoy?  I know your son is sick, and you want Y/N  to take to home with you, because Scorpius needs some mother love, and he wanted Y/N to be the so called 'mother' to him. And you want to apologize to Y/N for being rude to her for all these years-" He wanted to continue, but I had to cut him off...

"S-shut it. Please. So she can come?" I asked him, he nodded, smiling a little in the end.

"Dad let's go now. Let's find Y/N, please." Scorpius said excitedly.

"Yeah, sure. Bye, Longbottom." I said.

"Bye." He said back, and then me and Scorpius went back to find Y/N.

"Dad are you excited too?" Scorpius asked.

"About what?" I asked him confusedly.

"About Y/n coming to us. Jeez what about are you thinking?" Scorpius said sighing, I was silent, but then Scorpius let go of my hand and ran away to somewhere.

"Hey!" I yelled after him, but then I saw where he went. He went to Y/N who was just coming out from her office, with a little trunk.

"Oh..." I said to myself.

"Are you ok, Draco?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah, of course. Let's go now." I told her smiling, she nodded, and then Scorpius grabbed both our hand, my right and Y/N's left.


I hope me and Draco won't have any arguments...I don't want Scorpius to hear it or anything so...

Let's just hope for the best.

"Hey, Y/N. I have a question for you, if you don't mind." Scorpius asked me when Draco was driving to the Malfoy Manor with us.

"Of course I don't mind. Ask away." I told him smiling.

"For how long did my father bully you?" He asked pretty loudly.

"Scorpius why are you asking that?"  Draco asked quickly.

"'Cause I wanna know. You were too rude to her. And now you wanna-" Scorpius was about to continue, but...

"Scorpius I dare you to finish this sentence." Draco said, Scorpius went paler than he already was and shut his mouth. I chuckled at both of them.

"You know Draco your son is cuter than you.* I smirked* I mean first: He's much more positive. Two: He's not evil like you were and etc. Also I'll answer your question now Scorpius...well let's be honest now. He bullied me for 5 years, straight. You can't blame him tho. I was really ugly then, not that I'm pretty now or something, but-" I was cut off now... I don't like it when someone cuts me off...( Also I mean none of you are ugly, trust me it's just for the story. I still think about myself like that tho haha).

"Stop it. Y/N I bet you looked very beautiful, and you still do. My father was just a prick to you. I bet he liked you, he was just afraid to admit it to you. I know him. And glasses suit you very well, like very, very, very well...ok I get it I should stop now."  Scorpius said, and then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's ok, Scorpius." I said, and hugged him.

"Well...Scorpius wasn't lying much. I wasn't a prick. I was just...mean?" Draco said awkwardly too.

"But the other things... did I really told the truth that you liked her? O h my god." Scorpius said excitedly.

"Well...Oh thank god we're here. We arrived." Draco said...

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