She's a mudblood?! (part 4)

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"I'm sorry Y/N, but I will destroy him. I know you kinda like him, but he doesn't deserve you. Also you should rest, go to sleep, I'll wake you up in the morning." Hermione said calmly, we said good night to each other and then I walked to my dorm.

Right when I hit my head on my pillow I was asleep.

*next morning*

When I woke up I changed my clothes and walked to the Great Hall.

I sat down and just looked at my plate.

"Y/N eat!" Hermione said, looking at me sadly.

"I'm not hungry, sorry 'Mione." I said with a little smile, she sighed and then looked at Ron, Harry and the twins.

"But you still act different...after what happened yesterday. I mean..." Hermione said, I finally looked up at her and sighed.

"I'll meet you in DADA, bye now!" I told them, stood up and went to the library, maybe I can think about something else than...yesterday.

Draco's POV

I saw Y/N just looking at her plate and not eating.

Then I heard that Granger wanted her to eat, I agree with her for the first and probably the last time in my life...

But after some minutes she stood up and walked away...ok something is definitely wrong...

"Why Y/N looks so sad today? And she looks like she's been crying the whole night..." I said looking at Blaise and the other 2 idiots.

They again looked at each other and then at me.

"Umm...I-I don't know." Blaise said and looked back at his own plate sighing.

"I should just talk to her, she probably went to the library. I'll go find her." I told them and got up.


I walked around the library for some minutes until I found her looking at some book.

I walked to her, sat in front of her and wanted to say something, but nothing came out...

She didn't even look up.

"Y/N I uh- Did I say something wrong? Or what happened? You're acting different even with your friends...Potter, Weaslbee and Mudblood and these others." I told her, looking at her carefully.

She didn't answer anything, and then out of nowhere she closed her book, looked at me in the eyes with tears in her eyes,and got up. She shook her her head and walked away from me quickly.

I wanted to grab her hand, but she was too quick walking away.

I sighed and walked back to the others.

"Well...?" Blaise asked me.

"She didn't talk to me. I tried, but she just walked away." I explained to him.

"Well what did you told her?" Blaise asked me with a serious face.

"I asked her that 'did I say something wrong? Or what happened'  and then I told her that she even acts differently with his friends...Potter, Weaslbee and Mudblood." I explained again annoyedly.

"Can we like talk about this in the library?" Crabbe asked, we nodded and went back to the library.

"So?" I asked Crabbe.

"Well you know...if I would tell you would hate her, and I don't want this to happen so... Anyway the thing is that you shouldn't have said some...stuff yesterday." Blaise said nervously.

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