Harry's other good friend

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I really should start from the beginning...

You see me and Harry (Yes, Potter) were neighbours, before we started to study in Hogwarts... 

Harry got to know first, of course, like he always does, and to be honest he still does, and it's kinda annoying. Anyway he got to know, he came to me with Hagrid, then they told me, and then we went to the Diagon Alley to buy us all the stuff what was needed. 

Now, after 5 years of studying... our 6th year is starting, something feels wrong tho. Malfoy is quiet, me and Harry wanted to see what's going on with him, but Hermione said I have to stay, or something bad will happen to us. And even Harry said that I have to stay in here. They're mean to me.

So I stayed, wrong choice, because when we arrived Malfoy was the last one who came out, I think. 

"Y/N let's go. I think Harry is out already." Hermione said.

"I'll just wait for 3 more minutes, ok?" I asked, she sighed, but nodded in the end.

I gave up after those 3 minutes, and started to walk behind Malfoy.

I want to ask him if he knows anything about Harry...but I shouldn't... no, no, nope, nope, no-

"Hey, Malfoy!" I said loud enough for him to hear, he turned around. Shit...

"Yes, Y/L/N? What do you want?" He asked, being a bit annoyed. But what surprised me the most was that... he wasn't angry or anything, he was quite nice actually. 

"Ermm... do you know where Harry- sorry Potter is?" I asked him quietly.

"No." He replied shortly, and walked away. I still followed him.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Y/L/N. Put all your things in here, and go straight to Hogwarts." Prof. McGonagall said, we nodded.

I put my thing down when...

"Nice face, Potter!" Draco- well Malfoy said with his Malfoy smirk, I quickly turned around, and saw Harry with a broken nose, and Luna. I turned to Draco with an angry face.

"You did this, didn't you?" I asked him angrily, he shook his head, I stepped closer to him.

"Why are you lying? Goshhh why did I ever thought you look hot? Why I still think so? What the fuck is wrong with me? You always, literally always say something bad about Harry or Ron or Hermione or me. What did we do to deserve this?" I asked all these questions quickly, and didn't realize what I even asked. He looked at me with wide eyes, and then he smiled, but just a bit, because I still looked angrily at him.

"I'm sorry-" Draco was about to continue, but prof. Snape came towards us.

"Mr. Malfoy, come with me, please."  He said with his cold like voice, Draco nodded, then looked at me for a second, and went away with Snape. 

Then I turned around, and saw Harry, smiling.

"I knew it." He said, I looked at him confusedly.

"What?" I asked him.

"You still like him." Harry said, and smirked.

"Oh shut up, or I'll break your nose again." I said, he looked scared, and the three of us walked to Hogwarts.

When we finally arrived we were late to dinner... for example 10 minutes late. 

We quietly went inside, and then sat down in front of Hermione and Ron, they were about to ask us something, but Harry interrupted them...

"Are you guys sure that Y/N was sorted into the right house, because I don't think so." Harry said, which made Hermione and Ron looking confused...


I'm sorry that I haven't updated lately, don't kill me please.

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