Oh, shush, Malfoy!

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Having the Weasleys as your cousins...is quite fun. Don't get me wrong...it's just that sometimes they really piss me off. Well...mostly Percy, because he's annoying as hell. Sometimes Ron pisses me off, too, but only because sometimes he's so clueless. The twins on the other hand...my favorites. Always have been. 

Oh...and right now it's our 4th year. Well fifth year for the twins, but yeah...you know what I mean. Anyways-

"Y/N! I was thinking-" Ron started and I cut him off with a gasp.

"No you didn't! You're thinking?" I asked him jokingly, which made him, Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins laugh.

"You're evil! I was just thinking that maybe you would sit next to me in Potions this year. Hermione will attack me if I mess up a potion again. A-And Snape tolerates you so...he wouldn't be that mad at you if something happens." Ron explained to me and I nodded.

"As if I wouldn't be mad if you messed up our potion. *He looked at me nervously* But I believe in you. You can do better this year. Also...yes, yes you can sit with me." I said and he sighed in relief.

"Don't scare me like that, Y/N/N." Ron said and I winked jokingly.

"It's in my blood, dear cousin." I said and the twins nodded, while Harry and Hermione chuckled.

"True. She's more like us than you, Ron." George said and I chuckled.

"Nah. Y'all are just weird." I said with an evil smirk.

"So are you, Y/N/N, so are you." The twins said in unison and we all laughed.

"Our first lesson is Potions so...Ron! Get ready!" I said, he nodded and then we all ate our food.


Me and Ron sat down and talked until Snape entered the classroom...and he looked angry. 

"We're gonna die." I whispered to Ron and he nodded nervously.

"I decide who sits next to who this year. You are really pissing me off with this chatting every lesson. It's really irritating. Now...I'll make you sit next to someone who you don't get along. So there would be no talking! And if there is...automatically 25 points will be taken from your house. Even...Slytherin!" Snape said angrily and we all nodded nervously and some gulped...including me and Ron.

"Damn...he's mad." I said quietly and Ron put his hand in front of my mouth and I glared at him. He shook his head and I bit his hand.

"Never do that again or I will bite you again!" I mouthed to him and he nodded nervously and also looked at his now red hand, which made me smirk.

"Ms. Weasley! *I looked up nervously* Since I know you and Mr. Malfoy don't get along...*Please, no* You'll sit next to him." Snape said with an evil smirk. 

That demon...

"Yes, professor." I said, trying to be as polite as I possibly can right now and walked to Malfoy, who was smirking at me. 

"Hello, Weasley." Malfoy said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hello, Malfoy." I said with a sarcastic smile and he chuckled. 

Wait what?!

"Well...you're friendly." Malfoy said sarcastically.

"Almost as friendly as you, love. Oh...I forgot! You aren't friendly. You're just an arrogant git!" I answered angrily and he just stared at me.

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