Moody is being a bitch

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Have you ever thought...'What if my enemy would like me?' or am I the only one?...Because if I am then that really sucks. I mean it.

Well...he's not much of a enemy, we just...don't tolerate each other. 'Why?' you ask, it's simple. He's an douchebag. I'm friends with Harry. We all know who's my enemy now, right? Draco oh so precious Malfoy.

And then guess what... professor Moody thought that it would be funny to 'teach' Draco a lesson. He turned him into a ferret. That's actually not funny, but Harry and Ron were laughing hysterically because of this.

At the same time me and Hermione were walking around the corridors when we heard someone running towards us and we heard many people laughing at something.

Those footsteps got closer and we saw that it was Malfoy with his two goons. Crabbe and Goyle.

"Geeez what happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost." I said to Malfoy, he scoffed, again. What did I do now?!

"None of your business, ask your boyfriend! And you thought I am mean." He said and pushed me.

"Wait who? You know very well that I don't have a boyfriend, you ass. Why can't you just answer me? It's not like I knew anything about it! Or I wouldn't have asked you!" I said angrily to him. He got angry, I can tell. is face was so red. Ok that's kinda scary. He tried to come closer to me, but out of nowhere came Blaise and held him back.

"Stop, mate. I don't think you want to get in trouble." Blaise whispered to him, but loud enough for us to hear. Malfoy relaxed a bit, nodded and then walked away.

"Thanks, Blaise. I'm sorry. I truly wanted to know." I said looking down, he came closer to me.

"Hey, hey hey. It's ok. It's not your fault. The thing is that Moody turned him into a ferret, to  'teach him a lesson'. And that boyfriend stuff...he meant Harry, because Harry and Weasley were laughing hysterically at this." Blaise explained. Now it was my turn to get mad. Both Hermione and Blaise saw it in my eyes, Blaise removed his hand from my shoulder carefully.

"Oh...ok. Tell him I'm sorry that I asked. Now...HARRY JAMES POTTER I WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled and ran to the sound of his laughing, which automatically stopped when he heard me.

Blaise's POV

"Oh...ok. Tell him I'm sorry that I asked. Now...HARRY JAMES POTTER I WILL KILL YOU!" She yelled on the top of her lungs. Oh boy...

"Umm...Harry's gonna be dead. I'll go find Draco now, bye Granger." I said to Granger who looked in fear at the way where Y/N ran a minute ago. 

"I'm sorry, Blaise, but you have any idea how to calm Y/N down now? Because I don't. And she was mad at Moody before, because he scared her in our lesson. Then Draco was mad at her, but she truly didn't even know what happened until you told her. And then yeah...Harry too." Granger explained, I nodded, because I understand how scared she's right now about Y/N...and Harry.

"What Moody did now? He's a bad person, I can feel it. I have a weird vibe about this dude. I'll try to calm Draco down tho." I said, she sighed.

"Well let's just say that since you're her our DADA lesson he got to know that she's very scared of spiders, and then he thought that it would be fun to tease her with it.*Now I got mad. How dare he?!* And then Y/N started crying because all this and walked out of the class. Besides I think the same. I have some weird vibe about this man." She explained.

"He's more of an arsehole than anyone in this school. Like when you put together every student in this school with their attitude...they're still better than Moody ever will. I'll try to talk with Y/N later about it. *She nodded* But now, bye, try to find her." I said and started to walk to the Slytherin common room.

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