I'm actually so mad at you right now

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I don't even know where to start...I'm happy to have Harry Potter as my best friend. Literally. We're even better friends than Harry's with Hermione and Ron, who are my other best friends also. Anyway...yeah...I'm proud, but...when you hang out with him...there's always some trouble. I mean...I like doing some stupid stuff with them and those adventures we have...he'll to the yeah. That's awesome. Me and Harry have been friends since we were 7 years old. We live on the same street and actually our houses are pretty close. I live with my grandma, who's actually a pure-blood, not a muggle-born. But she likes to live in a quiet place. My parents are dead, that's why I'm living with her. Oh...me and Harry met on the playground one day, where he had to go with Dudley or...like I love to call him...a fatass, which also makes Harry laugh, because he likes it, when I call him that. After that day we became literally the bestest of friends. We still are, even tho we're in different houses and it's our 6th year...he's in Gryffindor obviously and I'm...well I'm in Slytherin.  And right now...both me and Harry are on our way to Transfiguration lesson, because we were in the library, studying for a test. Thank God we had like 15 minutes to get there...
Everything was fine, until...

"Hey Scarhead and Slythendor!" We heard a corridor away someone shouting. We rolled our eyes and turned around...to face our oh so famous Draco Mafloy.

"What do you want now, Malfoy?" Harry asked annoyedly. He's getting mad...mad Harry is not good Harry.

"I mean...all I wanna ask is...Are your parents even proud of your grades? *scoffs* I heard you got a C on your Potions test last week. *Harry almost hits Malfoy, but he only smirked at this* Oh right...your parents are dead. *smirked* But I bet on it, that your mother wouldn't be proud. You see...I've heard that your pathetic excuse of a mother was good at Potions." Malfoy finished with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

"Don't you dare to talk about my mother like that, you ferret! Rather-" Harry shouted angrily, but I cut him off by grabbing his arm gently and then looking at Malfoy with a disappointed face...

"You went too far, Malfoy. I ,mean...I can't even." I said sighing and then dragged Harry away from him. I don't want Harry to be mad. He's actually scary she he's mad, for real.

"Y/N/N why did you drag me away from him? I could have easily punched him." Harry said angrily, which made me stop. I turned to face him, looking very angry.

"You don't have to be like him. You know how he is...he's being a dickhead. Try to ignore him as much as possible, please. I don't want to see you get in trouble." I said and sighed quietly in the end.

"I'm sorry, I just got mad at him. He always comes  in wrong time. Forgive me, please. I'm trying not to be enemies with him, but he hates me and he makes it so hard not to be mad at him." Harry said annoyedly. I chuckled.

"It's ok, Harry. I understand you. He just doesn't know how to talk to you...he only teases you, because it's the only way he knows how to get your attention...so you would talk to him." I said to Harry and then went into the classroom.

We sat down next to each other, like always and quietly talked. By the way...I didn't mention it before, but surprisingly most of the Gryffindors approve me. I mean...we all know that Slyhterins and Gryffindors are enemies, but they approve me, because I'm his best friend. They all somehow are friendly towards anyone, who's Harry's friend. No matter what house.

"Do you think we can meet n our summer break?" I asked Harry quietly.

"I don't know. I-" Harry wanted to continue, but we both heard that Malfoy and Zabini sat down behind us. 

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