You are like literally crazy?

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I know I should tell you anything like this, but I'm a psychopath, Like literally...well some people in this school don't know what I actually mean by that, but the thing is...I do some bad thing, then I end up sitting in the most hidden corner in our school and cry. And think that I'm crazy. Then I think I'm useless, which starts for me to cut myself...over...and over again. Sometimes it helps, to get the pain to go away, but sometimes it somehow makes it worse. Sometimes if feels like some kind of see all this  dark red blood. Thankfully no one knows about me being like this, but Dumbledore, Hermione, Harry and even Ron know about that, well I trust them. I usually carry a knife with me, it helps me. But sometimes people do really piss me off, it's easy to piss me off and then I might get aggressive after that. I've punched some...they usually end up in the hospital bed. Forgot to mention how I look like. Well...I have crimson red eyes, I have very light tan and I have waist length, blood red hair. And the most important stuff is that I'm a pureblood. And I'm from Slytherin, even tho I don't talk with anyone in here, and I have my own room, because...well Dumbledore said that  'it's for your own safety.' Whatever that means. 


*Potions lesson*

I was sitting next to Hermione, I yawned and accidentally my sleeve went down or sth like that, anyway she saw my new cuts on my wrist and she gasped.

"Oh my god Y/N! When did that happen?! Why are you cutting yourself again?" She asked me.

"Sorry, I wanted to get some satisfaction again. It actually feels good to do that, I mean-" I wanted to continue, but that bastard Draco Malfoy cut me off, because he had to sit behind us, because Snape told him to.

"You're literally crazy. Not that I care, but why on earth are you doing that? What does it give to you? Satisfaction? Give me a better lie, no one believes you. Why are you even here? You don't belong here. I don't understand why this old man thought you could fit in here. Like literally. And you honestly think that-" He wanted to continue, but I stood up from my chair, Hermione did too, because she tried to hold me down.

"That's enough, Malfoy." Hermione shouted.

"You know what? You're right. I am crazy, I'm a freaking psychopath, but you don't deserve to know that. You're just trying to get me out of this school. You're right,  I don't deserve to be here and I don't even deserve to be alive. You know I'm trying to die every night, but it just doesn't happen. Something keeps me alive. And yes I do get a satisfaction when I cut myself, it makes me feel good. Just this dark red blood...way to beautiful. Oh right, you don't even know that to. What lie to you want to know? Huh? What the f*ck do you want from me? To take my knife out and cut myself in front of you? Fine. I'll do that." I yelled at him, he looked kinda scared. Good. I get some positive energy from that...when someone's scared of me. Anyway...I took my little knife out, looked at him, and then tried to start to cut myself again.

"What? Y/n! NO!" Hermione yelled and then Snape came to us, took my knife out of my hand and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you doing in my classroom, Ms. Y/L/N?!" Snape asked me.

"Shut up!" I yelled into his face and then I felt tears running down my face.

"What did you just said?" Snape asked me with a serious face.

"F*ck you. F*ck you all. I'm gonna kill myself, bye. You wanted me to get satisfaction, Draco, wait sorry, Malfoy. I'm telling you now...I'll get my first the most amazing satisfaction with that. Bye, live a happy life, I won't be in your way anymore." I shouted again, some of them tried to stop me...

"You better let me go, or I will literally kill you all. Right here, right now." I said with an angry looking face.

Draco looked at me with wide eyes, but he didn't say anything. Then the other let me all go. I showed them my both middle fingers and then walked out of the class.

Draco's POV

"F*ck you. F*ck you all. I'm gonna kill myself, bye. You wanted me to get satisfaction, Draco, wait sorry, Malfoy. I'm telling you now...I'll get my first the most amazing satisfaction with that. Bye, live a happy life, I won't be in your way anymore." She shouted again, some of them tried to stop her from running out of the class, including Snape.

"You better let me go, or I'll literally kill you all. Right here, right now." She said with an angry looking face. Oh hell no she's gonna do that.

I looked at her with wide eyes, but I didn't say anything. Then all of them let her go. She showed us both of her middle fingers and then walked out.

When she closed the door all the eyes went on me.

"What are you all looking at?!" I asked them angrily.

"You better do something, she's literally gonna kill herself. Imma blame you, if you won't fix this right now." Granger shouted to me.

"Why do you think I can fix this?! We don't even talk. You are like best friends with her, not me. We never talk, we just argue all the time." I told her angrily, why does she thinks that I can fix that?!

"Because she actually likes you, ok? Don't you understand that mostly while cutting herself she thinks about you, then she cuts herself, because she thinks you're never gonna like her. Then she understands she's a psychopath and she cries for that, then she cuts herself again. AND YOU THINK YOU CAN'T FIX THAT?! At least talk to her! SHE NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW AND ONLY YOU. NOW GO!" Granger yelled to my face, I backed up and ran out of the class, but I stopped, because I saw Dumbledore.

"What are you doing here, Draco?" He asked me.

"I-I'm just-I-" I stuttered, but I don't even know why. What's wrong with me?!

"You're looking for Y/N, right?" Dumbledore asked me, I nodded slowly.

"She's in her room, you're gonna be lucky if you can get in there. Now go, before she truly is gonna kill herself." Dumbledore said with a nervous smile, I nodded and ran to the Slytherin common room. When I made it there I ran to her room, well I stopped behind her door at first.

I tried to hear what she's saying...

'You're just not good enough for this world. He doesn't like you and you're even scared to admit that. You're just a psychopath, you're just gonna kill yourself right now. You just don't deserve anything you have in your life. I AM JUST A DISAPPOINTMENT IN HERE! Goshhh!!! I should write a letter to Ron, Harry and Hermione. Then I can end myself.'

Then I ran into the room and saw her crying on the floor.

"D-don't do that, please. I'm begging you, Y/N. Why do you think I don't like you? I actually do and trust me it's ok to not admit these kind of feelings. I like you, Y/N. Believe me, please. You're not a disappointment, because you're absolutely amazing, you're beautiful, you're cute, you're kind to your friends. Please don't do this, for your family, friends" I told her, she stood up after that, still crying and ran to me and hugged me tightly. I pulled her closer while walking slowly to her bed.

"I'm sorry, Draco." She said softly, I hugged her tighter.

"I'll make it up for you, I promise. I will take care of you for the rest of my life. But now...let's just cuddle a bit and then we can talk again." I whispered to her, she nodded, I kissed her head and laid down on the bed.

After 5 minutes we were both asleep with a smile on our face.


I hope you guys liked it, even tho I'm not sure about that. I'm a horrible writer and it's like 11.44pm in here and I'm tired and I don't what the hell did I just make. Or how many mistakes I made, I'm sorry. I hope y'all are not mad at me lol. (You can still give me some ideas tho!)

Bye, much love!

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