Christmas spirit (part 1)

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I'm angry. And not just a little. It's Christmas soon, and...McGonagall had an idea. Not a good one! I'm not proud of this. What's the idea you ask? Oh. Simple. She thought that it would be a great idea to spread more Christmas spirit around the school. You see...there are a lots of students here, who aren't waiting for Christmas or don't believe in Christmas...magic. Anyway...the idea was that each students gets 3 people's names and we have to make them Christmas and all. Oh! And if we make them believe in Christmas spirit and its magic...we get more house points. And today...we're gonna get the names.

"I'm not ready! What if I get someone who hates Christmas? What if I get someone, who I don't get along with?" Hermione asked, getting nervous.

"Even if you'll be fine. You can make them believe in Christmas more." I said and then Harry and Ron nodded.

"Y/N is speaking facts." Ron said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ron, please, I'm always speaking facts." I said jokingly and he chuckled.

"Just wait, Hermione. It's going to be okay." Harry said quietly and Hermione nodded nervously and we sat down around the Gryffindor table.

"What if one of us gets our enemy?" I asked them out of nowhere.

"Then I know for a fact that I'd rather lose house points than talk to him. No." Harry said and we all chuckled quietly.

"None of us has been able to talk to him without getting insulted. It's not going to work." I said and the three of them nodded.

We then chatted a little until every student arrived and then we waited for Dumbledore and McGonagall to tell us everything. 

"Welcome, students! Now...the idea isn't only to spread the Christmas spirit...or the Christmas magic. It's also for all of you to make new friends. Christmas is the time for...loved ones. Happiness. No matter how much you dislike each should at least try talking to them. It can change...a lot of things." Dumbledore explained with a little smile and I turned to Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"Does he mean us? We loathe Malfoy. I think one of us gets his name." I said and they all nodded.

"Better not. This would be a disaster." Ron said and we all nodded, turning back to Dumbledore.

"Now...professor McGonagall made the lists for each one of you. *McGonagall waved her wand* As you can see there's a little parchment in front of you. That's all I have to say. You have a week for each person. Good luck!" Dumbledore said and walked back to his chair.

"I'm scared." The four of us said in unison and then chuckled.

"On the count of 3...we'll open the parchment. *We nodded* Okay. 1...2...3." Harry said and we all opened our parchments.

"Not that bad." Hermione said and we all smiled at her.

"Oh hell to the bloody no! This is not happening. I won't allow it." I said and looked at the parchment in front of me angrily.

"Who did you get?" Ron asked, turning to me, nervously.

"I have a hunch...but I hope I'm wrong." Harry said and we all laughed, remembering when he said it in our 3rd year.

"I hope your hunch is wrong too." I said and then sighed.

"Tell us the names, Y/N/N." Hermione said and the boys nodded.

"Luna Lovegood, Blaise Zabini...and the ferret." I said groaning and then looked around the Great Hall until I saw him. The ferret. I glared at him and he looked at me with a face like 'What did I do?'

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