Not to touch you!

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You have no idea how hard it is to be Pansy Parkinson's sister, really.

I mean...she's a good person...mostly. She just doesn't want to show it much. We get along pretty well but we're really different. Like...literally.

She basically only talks to Blaise, Draco and some other Slytherin girls that I don't really like. Me on the other hand...I get along with everyone even when I'm in Slytherin. Even Weasley, Granger and Potter get along with me. They say that I'm the only Slytherin that they like. Quite cool, actually.

Oh, I didn't mention it but my best friend is Blaise. I don't know how, but he is. He seems like he hates basically everything and everyone, like Draco, but in reality...Blaise is a softie. Draco though...he's just broken...and misunderstood. Everyone thinks that he's a bad person but no. He's actually really sweet and friendly...if you along with him. That's really cool.

"Earth to Y/N/N!" Blaise said and I blinked, looking at him.

"Huh? What did I miss?" I asked and right after that Draco and Pansy came and Draco sat down next to me, while Pansy sat down next to Blaise.

"You were daydreaming again but also-" Blaise started but he got cut off by Draco.

"We have a free period, because Flitwick has a meeting in Hogsmeade. So...we can play Quidditch or we can study for the Potions test." Draco explained and I chuckled.

"You? Study for Potions? *He nodded confusedly* You don't need to. You're amazing at Potions anyway." I said and right after that I turned to Blaise with wide eyes.

"Shit." We both said quietly and stood up and were about to run away from the Great Hall but Draco stopped me, by grabbing my wrist.

"Where are you going? The first lesson is about to start." Draco said confusedly and I gulped.

"I-I uh...I need to go...somewhere." I said and ran away from him to Blaise, who looked nervous.

"One more compliment for Draco and you will be dead, Y/N. You know Pansy will kill you. She already suspects that you like Draco, too. You can't do know she'll say stuff she doesn't actually mean to you after that." Blaise warned me and I nodded with a sigh.

"I know that, Blaise. Don't remind me. I need to sleep with one eye open, seriously. But I can't help it. You know I can't stop complimenting him." I said and he put his arm around my shoulders and sighed.

"I will attend your funeral if something happens." Blaise said and we both laughed and went to DADA class and sat down behind Hermione and Harry.

"Who's going to die?" Harry asked me confusedly.

"Me, probably." I said quietly and Blaise chuckled, which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Why? What did you do this time?" Harry asked, chuckling.

"Pansy is mad at me, again. She's mad that I compliment Draco sometimes. She warned me not to do it, because she's trying to get Draco's attention you know. But I can't help it. I need to sleep with one eye open from now on, I swear." I said and they both shook their heads.

"We'll protect you, Y/N." Hermione said and we all chuckled and waited for the others to come in. Me and Blaise were joking around and laughing when Draco and Pansy sat down behind us and then Pansy fake coughed and I turned to her.

"Yes, Pans?" I asked her confusedly.

"I told you...stop." Pansy said with a fake bright smile and I rolled my eyes.

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