You? (part 2)

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"Because you were handsome, well you still are, but that's not the point. Also our potion is done. Let's go back to the Hospital wing." I said quickly, he looked zooned out. I rolled my eyes again and grabbed his arm, and basically dragged him to the Hospital wing.

"Finally!" Madam Pomfrey said, and then went to Draco's son. Draco was still zooned out.

I then let go of his arm, and walked to the boy...


Madam Pomfrey then grabbed the potion bottle from my hand, and gave it to Draco's son.

And when he drank it I looked at him, and asked...

"Hey, buddy! How are you feeling?" I asked him quietly, he looked at me and then smiled a little.

"Hey! I'm feeling fine Prof. Y/L/N. Also is my dad here?" He asked. And Draco came next to him, the other side of the bed where I was standing.

"Hey! I'm here, kiddo. Are you feeling better for real?" Draco asked, looking at him with a little smile.

"Yes I am. Thanks, dad." He said, and then Draco hugged him, which made me smile. Because he actually cares about someone. And then I walked to some desk and continued to read the tests.

"Mr. Malfoy your son needs some mother love for a bit now. Mothers are better at curing little kids. I mean dads can too, but he really needs some mother love, because it can make him a lot better if his mother takes care about him right now." Madam Pomfrey explained to Draco.

"Yeah, ok. But the thing is that my ex wife obviously is not living with us, and my mother is on a vacation. I just told her that I can take care of him by myself. So..." Draco said awkwardly.

"But I know someone who can be like a mother to me." Scorpius said.

"Who?" Both Draco and Madam Pomfrey asked in unison.

"Her. I like her." Scorpius said, and the room went silent so I looked up, and saw that all three of them were looking straight at me.

"What?" I asked, looing back at them.

"Would you do that?" Draco asked me awkwardly while Scorpius smiled. I looked at him confusedly.

"Will you please be like a mother to him? For as long as my mother comes back from the vacation. Scorpius came up with that idea so don't blame me. You-" Draco was cut off by mw this time.

"Of course I will. If Scorpius wants me to do that. But how? He has to go home. I get it what I mean. Anyway yeah, sure. But tell me how." I said, Scorpius smiled even more.

"Yay!" Scorpius said silently, I smiled at him.

"You come how with us. Just take some clothes with you, and you'll live. You'll not gonna die so.  I promise I'm not gonna poison you or anything. Just come with us. I don't know for how long tho." Draco said, and then smiled in the end a bit. 

"Oh. I'll do it then. When are we going?" I asked, and right after that Scorpius stood up, walked to me and then hugged me.

"Thank you so much, prof. Y/L/N." Scorpius said smiling, I hugged him back.

"It's ok, Scorpius. And you can call me Y/N." I told him smiling.  Then after a minute he loet go.

" didn't you tell me like 2 years ago that you had a crush on a girl named Y/N? Like when you were in school? Is that her?" Scorpius asked Draco, who went red, and then I chuckled.

"Oh no, buddy. There's no way. You know why?" I asked him.

"No. Did he do something to you?" He asked me, and then looked at Draco a bit angrily, but Draco was still red. 

"Well...let's just say that he bullied me. Because I was wearing glasses and all stuff. So there's no way that I'm that Y/N he had a crush on. Besides I had a crush on him. Still trying to forget that." I said with a bit sad face. Scorpius looked angrily at Draco the whole time. He really does look like his father.

"I'm so disappointed in you, dad. How could you do this to her? She had a crush on you, and you bullied her because she's wearing glasses? I think she looks beautiful, and I know that you agree with me right now. But still I knew you were rude when you were in school, but I didn't know that you were so rude!" Scorpius said, I held him back.

"It's ok, buddy! Calm down, he's changed so he's not that rude anymore." I told him, he turned to me,  and hugged me again.

"In my defence... I didn't know that she had a crush on me." Draco said. Scorpius rolled his eyes, and let go of me.

"Don't listen to him. He's just dumbass." Scorpius said, and this actually made me laugh so I obviously laughed.

"Trust me I know." I said, and then...

"Hey! Stop it, you guys are rude to me. Besides we should go." Draco said, and started to walk to the door.

"Come on you deserve this, just a little. Don't you think?" I asked him, and then followed him with Scorpius who was holding my hand.

"Oh he does. And he just wants to go because he feels embarrassed." Scorpius said, and then chuckled in the end.

"Guys stop it. Y/N you should go to your office and pack some of your things. And me and Scorpius are going to the Headmaster to tell him or her that you're coming with us." Draco explained.

"Yeah, sure. It's a he tho." I said and walked to my office.

Draco's POV

Me and Scorpius walked to the headmaster's office, and then...

"Did you tell the truth? I mean that she wasn't the one who you had a crush on?" Scorpius asked me.

"I...I mean sadly no. I mean that I didn't tell the truth. She was or maybe even is the one Y/N I had or have that silly crush on." I told him awkwardly.

"So is she your crush or she was?" Scorpius asked me. Gosh I don't know...since I saw her today...she literally looks stunning. She looks just amazing. I have no words. She's changed...she really looks beautiful, not that she wasn't looking beautiful in the school already, but still. I like it more now, I mean I like her and all she does even more now. She's changed for better. O k I think I still have that crush on her.

"I-I think maybe I still have. Let's go now, I don't feel comfortable talking about this. Besides she's coming home with us." I told him awkwardly.

"I think you guys would be a good couple. If you still like her...marry her. You aren't that old yet. Y/N Malfoy sounds good to me. Besides I really do like her very much. And also we're here." Scorpius said. Wait what marry her?! She doesn't even like me anymore...I think. Well I hope she does, because Scorpius is right Y/N Malfoy really does sound good.

And then we walked up to the Headmaster office, and then we saw who it was...

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