Lovely (part 2)

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"What do you mean by that?" He asked, the Golden Trio looked still confused. Because of me talking to Malfoy, we hate each other mostly so...

"Trust me you'll see. And by the way you're gonna hate me even more when you find out what I'm about to do." I told him, and turned around again.

Draco's POV

I've never hated you...



Now all we gotta do is some practise for the song. 

I know Malfoy will hate me even more, but who gives a f*ck? 

It's just his opinion of muggles, right? I shouldn't care about him... even when I have that stupid crush on him.

I don't understand why I have that crush on him.

"Y/N!" I heard Hermione behind me.

"Yes?" I asked, when I turned around.

"What dress will you wear? I mean when you're gonna sing." Hermione asked. Shit I don't even know...

"Umm...I-hmm..." I said stuttering, which made her giggle.

"You have no idea, do you?" She asked smiling.

"Yep, I have no idea." I said chuckling.

"Let's go to our dorm. I have some choices you might like. What do you say?" Hermione suggested, I nodded and we walked to the Gryffindor tower.

"Trust me I will look terrible in any of them." I told her sighing, she just rolled her eyes and opened her closet.

"Wow. This one actually looks beautiful." I said looking at the blue dress.

*Picture on top*

"I know. I thought you're gonna like it. Since you love blue, and green so much. But I don't have a green one, because you know Slytherin kids would kill me for it." She said, and chuckled.

"True. But what are you gonna wear if I'll borrow this one from you?" I asked her.

"The pink one. Let's both try these on. And then let's show each other, what do you think?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh my god, yes. Let's try these on." I said back excitedly. We both went to bathroom, different of course.

I was just don when Hermione yelled...

"Y/N are you ready??" She yelled.

"Yep, I'll come out." I yelled back at her, and then went out of the bathroom, with a smile on my face.

"Oh my god, Y/N!! You look stunning!!" Hermione said with wide eyes, and wide smile.

"You too." I said also smiling.

"Yo! Hermione we-" We heard someone yelling outside the door, and the the door opened. And came in Fred and George. But the stopped when they saw us.

"Wow. You guys look-" Fred started as he looked at both of us.

"Really stunning." George finished with a smile. We smiled back.

"Don't make me blush guys, I'm begging you." I told them looking down.

"Can't help ya. It's not our fault that you look amazing. This guy is gonna be lucky." Fred said, but whispered the last part.

"What do you mean? I'm not going with anyone, and you know it. I'll go because I have to sing." I told him.

"Did I say that out loud?" Fred asked with a nervous laugh.

"Oh yes you did, dear brother. But I might even get jealous if she's going with someone." George said with a sigh.

"Shut up, guys!" I said, getting redder in every second.

"Never. See ya at later." They said, and went out.

"Told ya, you look amazing. I bet that even Malfoy will like it." Hermione said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I know you like him. Anyway you gotta practise tonight too?" She asked, quickly changing the subject. Which was good, because I didn't wanna talk about it. At all.

"Yup, I have to practise. That's why I'm going to Astronomy tower when the dinner is over." I told her.

"Sounds cool. Can I come too?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Nope. You gotta wait until the Yule Ball comes. You can hear then. Like everyone else." I told her.

"Oh come on. Please!! I have heard you sing before, why can't I just come. Please." She asked me again.

"Fine. But just once, and it will be tonight." I told her sighing.

"Yay!!" She said happily.

"But now... I wanna change back to my comfortable clothes." I told her, and went back to the bathroom to change again.

"Ok." She said shortly, and walked back to the bathroom also.

*Time skip to dinner*

"Y/N can we like know who are you going to the Yule Ball with?" Ron and Harry as the twins randomly sat next to them.

"No one." I told them with a sigh.

"That can't be possible. How can you  not go with someone? I don't get it. Like how?" Harry asked.

"Bitch I'm like a trash." I told him with a duh tone. (Don't take it personally, guys all of you are very beautiful actually. It's just for the story.)

"What the hell are you saying? Y/N you're a little princess." George said smiling.

"Oh my god. Since when do you tell the truth. It's true. And same for you goes for you, Hermione." Fred said smiling. Both me and Hermione smiled at both of them with wide smiles.

"Thanks, guys." Hermione said, I nodded.

"I still don't get it. What trouble are you in Y/L/N." I heard Malfoy's voice behind us. I turned to face him.

"You'll see. I told you." I said to him confusedly.

"When?" He asked also confusedly.

"I'll give you a hint, Malfoy. You'll see what trouble I am on the Yule Ball." I told him, and turned back to eating. I guess he did too, because he didn't say anything anymore.

"But when can we listen you singing that song? I mean the song you're gonna sing." Ron asked, and the other 3 boys nodded in agreement.

"When the Yule Ball comes. You gotta wait, like Malfoy." I told them, they sighed dramatically in unison.

After eating me and Hermione walked to the Astronomy tower, to practise my singing.

And then after singing ...

"If I'm gonna cry at the Yule Ball don't blame me. I will cry, you sing amazingly. You're like an angel. Your singing will be the death to me. I can't wait for the Yule Ball now." Hermione said, while having tears in her eyes.

"It's ok, Hermione. Don't cry. Let's go back to our dorm." I told her, she nodded, and we went back. 

Right when we entered our dorm we changed our clothes, and went to sleep.

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