Perfects, but still enemies

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Right now we're on the train back to Hogwarts, we're starting our 5th year by the way.

And this year 2 people from Gryffindor, I' in that house tho. Anyway yeah this year 2 people from Gryffindor are going to be perfects. I'd like to be one of them, but I think Hermione's going to be... I don't know why, and probably Ron is the other. I mean I don't know that yet, but I think so. Thinking isn't bad, right?

"Y/N!" Hermione yelled, I looked at her with worried eyes.

"What?!" I asked her, a bit annoyedly. Then she showed her hand in Harry's direction. I smiled, and ran to hug him.

"Harry!" I basically shouted, he looked at me happily, and then hugged me tightly.

"Bro you got taller. I feel so little now." I said, a bit sadly, but this made him chuckle.

"Y/N you're still weird. I think summer made it even worse." Harry said, and both of us burst out laughing.

And then Ron came...

"Y/N if I were you I wouldn't laugh that much right now, because Malfoy is glaring at you." Ron muttered. I rolled my eyes, and turned to look at Malfoy.

"Yeah... is there anything you wanna say, Malfoy?" I asked him, with annoyed face. He just looked at me for a good 5 seconds, and then walked away.

"What happened?" Ron asked, still looking at the direction where Malfoy went. And he looked confused.

"I have same exact question, my brother." I said, we're actually not brother and a sister it's just I always call the twins, Ron and Harry 'bro' or 'brother'. Harry didn't even ask anything, he just looked confused. And then we tried to find Hermione, and when we finally found her both me and Harry sat in front of her, and Ron sat next to her.

"Where were you guys? Why do you all look so confused? What happened?" Hermione asked, looking at all of us.

"W-we were just umm-" I started awkwardly, but I didn't know how to continue, so Ron and Harry both tried to help me out.

"So basically me and Y/N were hugging," Harry started.

"And then I came, and saw Malfoy glaring at Y/N," Ron continued.

"And then Ron told Y/n that," Harry continued...

"And then Y/N rolled her eyes, as usual, and then she turned around, and asked him 'Is there anything you wanna say?', and then Malfoy just looked at her for like 5 seconds-" Then Ron was cut off by Harry.

"And then he just walked away, and didn't say anything. Don't you think it's weird?" Harry asked, and raised his eyebrows. Now Hermione looked confused too, but not for long, because she started to giggle, and then she looked at me.

"Why are you giggling, Hermione?" I asked her confusedly.

"Don't you guys still get it?" Hermione asked us, and then stopped giggling for like 3 seconds.

"No!" All three of us said in unison.

"He likes her. I  even told you this last year, don't you boys-" Then Hermione cut herself off, because she turned to look at me innocently.

"What. Are. You. Talking. About?" I asked, glaring at her a bit.

"I-BOYS HELP!" Hermione basically shouted. Then boys also turned to me innocently.

"Well... let's just say that last year when we noticed that Malfoy is looking at you pretty much so we thought he likes you," Ron started this time.

"But then all the time when you saw each other in the hallways you wanted to kill each other. He said something bad to you, you said back, and etc." Harry finished.

"And you never told me?!" I asked eyeing all of them, still being a bit mad at them.

"Well we wanted to see if you like him too." Hermione said quickly.

"I do like him, but he doesn't like me. Trust me. And he's looking at me, because he wants to kill me. Also because I'm friends with you guys, and with the twins who usually make fun of him." I said, getting a bit red.

"Hold up... what?! You actually like him too?" Ron asked, while his voice cracked.

Harry looked so confused so wanted to drink water, but I don't think it's the right time for it, because of my next sentence...

"What? I mean he's pretty hot." I told them, and like I said it's not the right time... Harry spilled his water out of his mouth. And then he coughed, and not just a little.

"Are you serious? You-you actually like your enemy? Even when both of you argue all the time?" Ron asked, I nodded slowly.

"Why don't you guys admit to each other already? Come on even Neville thinks that something's going on between the two of you." Hermione explained.

"Oh...wait thank god we're here, finally." I said, and we quickly took our things with us, and walked out.

When we were slowly walking to Hogwarts we heard footsteps behind us...

"Potter!" Oh our so famous Draco Malfoy said, then walked in front of us with his  gang.

"What do you want?" Harry asked him angrily.

"Don't you think that they should have put you into Azkaban for all the mess you made?!" Draco asked him, with his famous Malfoy smirk.

"Wha-" Harry started, but I cut him off.

"Why don't you annoy someone else? Why are you always annoying us? What did we do to you? I haven't done anything to you. Are you still mad at Harry, because he-" I was about to continue my amazing speech, but Draco put his hand over my mouth.

"Y/N my dear... shut up! Still he deserves to be in Azkaban." Draco said, and when he finally finished his sentence he removed his hand, and walked away with his gang again.

"Told you, he likes you." Hermione said, and then we all walked to Hogwarts.

"I don't think so!" I said, and then we walked to Hogwarts, quickly, because the dinner was about to start, and so was the sorting, and the perfects choosing.

Well we were late... because we had to change into our robes too...

"Y/N! Quickly. I don't wanna be very late, come on." Hermione said, I tried to change quicker, and when I was done all four of us ran to the Great Hall.

When we ended up behind the Great Hall door, we went in quietly. Then we saw Dumbledore smiling at us, but just a little.

"And now it's time for picking our new Perfects from each house." Dumbledore said.

"I think from Gryffindor... Ron is gonna be one." I said.

"Same, but the girl I think it's gonna be you, Y/N." Hermione said, smiling.

"I don't think so." I said chuckling.

"And now...our perfects from Gryffindor are gonna be..." Dumbledore started...

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