Harry's other good friend (part 2)

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When we finally arrived we were late to dinner...  for example 10 minutes late.

We quietly went inside, and then sat down in front of Hermione and Ron, they were about to ask us something, but Harry interrupted them... 

"Are you guys sure that Y/N was sorted into the right house, because I don't think so." Harry said, which made Hermione and Ron looking confused... 


"What do you mean?" Ron asked him, almost laughing.

"She wanted to break my nose again, shouldn't she be in Slytherin when she acts like this?" Harry said quickly, because I glared at him, which made Hermione laugh.

"What do you mean again?" Hermione asked, now confused with Ron.

"Well... I waited for that git, and then finally I saw him, and haha his nose was broken. Well we all know who did it, but well...ok maybe I yelled at Malfoy... well he deserved that. And I said some awkward stuff so...all is good. Right?" I asked, they looked at me confusedly, but then they started to giggle, well Hermione started to giggle, and Ron looked just awkwardly at me.

"You told him that you still like him, didn't you?" Hermione asked, I started to blush because of embarrassment and then nodded slowly.

"Why don't we change the subject?" I quickly said.

"Wait wait wait...you can't get out of this so easily."  Harry said, but stopped when yet again I glared at him.

"Ok I'll stop now." Harry muttered, and started to eat.

"It's for your own safety. I swear." I said, he smiled innocently.

"I'm in trouble when I say Dr-" Harry started, but I quickly cut him off...well that also didn't end well.


"Fine. Sshhh! Stop! Don't yell! Jeez." Harry said, the whole hall looked at us, especially at me since...when I yell...it's sounds really terrible.

"Hey! Guys, stop. Malfoy is coming here..." Hermione said awkwardly.

"Oh. no." Me and Harry said at the same time.

And then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder...

"Hey, Y/N can I-can I talk to you for a minute?" Draco asked, yes it was Draco's hand what was on my shoulder. I turned around slowly.

"Y-yeah, sure." I said being a bit unsure. I stood up, and then he just grabbed my hand, and started to walk out of the hall.

"Draco where are we going?"  I asked when we were out of the hall.

"To the oh so famous Astronomy tower. Now come on, I just need to tell you something, oh and also I need to ask you something too." Draco said, and grabbed my hand tighter. It made me blush obviously, so I grabbed his hand tighter too.

When we finally arrived we both sat on the floor, oh before I forget...he sat down in front of me.

We both were about to say something, but we just looked at each other in the eyes for...for too long I guess, because next thing I know is that we were both leaning in...

And then he pecked my lips, we pulled away smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner that you liked me?" He asked me whispering, because our faces were still close, very close.

I sighed smiling.

"Because I knew that you'll never like me because 1: I'm Harry's friend. 2: I'm half-blood. 3: I hang around with Hermione who you don't like and Ron who you also don't like. And last year you got mad at me because I pulled a prank on you with the Weasley twins." I said, and then sighed sadly.

"And this...was a lie. I actually liked you since 3th year. You changed so much back then, you were beautiful, and then the 3th year started and you looked even more beautiful, if that's possible. I still like you so...so much, I just didn't have that important courage to tell you that. I know I'm an asshole towards your friends, but believe me I'm trying to change. For you, and for me too, because I didn't want him to be my enemy for ever, I mean Potter you know. I just...will you please be my girlfriend, Y/N?" Draco asked with some tears in his eyes, even I had.

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded, and pulled him into a kiss.

And to be honest not surprisingly both of us smiled on the kiss.

The Golden Trio's POV

When they left the Great Hall together we followed them, obviously.

And then the whole Astronomy tower scene happened...

Honestly that was the cutest thing ever.


After pulling away I just smiled at him, and then he hugged me, I hugged him back and smiled.

"Draco?" I asked him.

"Yes, love." Draco said.

"You do know that you're the best, right?" I asked him smiling.

"I can't be. Because you're the best. And you know why? Because you're the best thing that ever happened to me." Draco said, and kissed my forehead. 

He literally is the best, to be honest thank god that I said all those thing to him today.


I know it's been a week since I last updated, but still...

At least I did. Ok kidding that was not the greatest thing to say.

Also thank you sooooooo much for 1.3k readers, it makes me really so freaking happy. 

I don't even know what to say, it's just awesome. 

I love you guys.

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