I love you

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He mentally killed me. What did I do to deserve this? Why did he do this to me? Was I not good enough? I get it if I wasn't, because I've never thought anything good about myself, but he always did, until now. The story is that I saw Draco m-making out with Pansy! Out of all people, Pansy! I'm disappointed in him. Well...that was 10 minutes ago, but now I'm walking to Gryffindor common room. I entered and saw Hermione, she looked at me confusedly, but then she saw my teary eyes and came to me.

"What happened? Who do I need to kill?" She asked sternly. Then we walked to the couch and sat down.

"D-Draco was m-m-making out wi-with P-Pansy. He-" I wanted to continue, but nothing came out and I broke down in front of Hermione.

"Harry! Ron! George and Fred! Come here, right now!" Hermione yelled while I cried into her chest. The boys came running down the stairs.

"What happened?" Harry asked worriedly.

"WHY IS Y/N/N CRYING?" Ron yelled and I bet on it that the whole school heard that.

"Shut up, Ron! Now...I assume that we need to prank someone and not just a bit." George said and kneeled down in front of me.

"I'm gonna kill that someone who made her cry like that." Fred said, getting angrier by any minute.

"Kill Malfoy and Parkinson, right now." Hermione said getting angry too.

"Come here." George whispered to me and opened his arms. I hugged him tightly and held me close to his chest.

"How dare he?! I'll kill him, he broke her heart."Ron said and went to take his wand.

"I'll come with you." Hermione said.

"Fred, George take care of her, while we deal with these idiots." Harry said and the twins nodded. Seconds after that the Golden Trio ran out.

Hermione's POV

How dare he?! I swear to Merlin that I'm gonna attack him and no one can stop me. Not even Y/N if she tries to.

"He'll pay for that shit." Ron said angrily, both me and Harry nodded.

"Harry where is he?" I asked him and we stopped. Harry took out the map and we saw that he was in the library. We walked there and he was with Parkinson and she was sitting on his lap and they were kissing.

"What the bloody hell?" Ron yelled to the both of them, they pulled away.

"Malfoy, how dare you?" Harry asked, our librarian was extra confused.

"Why did you do this to her?" I asked and I tears in my eyes, because I felt so sad...why would he break her heart like that?!

"What the hell are you talking about?"  Malfoy asked us confusedly,  something is not right.

"We're talking about what you did to Y/N/N!" Ron told him angrily.

"Y/N? Ahh come on, I just had a moment with my beautiful girlfriend, can you get the hell away from us right now?" Malfoy asked us angrily.

"PARKINSON!" We heard someone yelling behind us, we turned around and saw Zabini, also he's Y/N's best friend, besides us of course.

"Oh hell to the no." Zabini whispered when he saw Parkinson on Malfoy's lap.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked, looking confused like the rest of us, besides Zabini and Parkinson.

"Just tell me that Y/N didn't saw any of it." Zabini said sighing sadly.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now