Oh dear...

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"You, my friend, are dead." My best friend Y/B/F/N said as she sat down in front of me.

"Well noshit. If this gets in wrong hands...I'll be more than dead." I said sighing. If you're wondering what we are talking about then umm...well something bad happened...


I had to be partners in Potions with Draco, well Malfoy. We all know how much he hates Gryffindors, but that's not the point.

At first we got along, somehow, but then...

"Do you even do something? Because I'm not gonna do the whole work, you Gryffinb*tch." He scoffed, I rolled my eyes and stood in front of him.

"How did you call me right now? *my bag fell down, but I didn't care at the moment* I did some stuff for Merlin's sake. FOR REAL HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT? What did I even do to you? I haven't spoken to you. Ever. Until now. You have something against Harry, I get it. BUT WHAT HAVE THE OTHERS DONE TO YOU?!" I yelled at him, he just looked at me and didn't say anything. I just sighed angrily, took my bag and walked out, but Snape didn't even stop me, he heard all of it. He just continued the lesson...

"Y/N!" I heard two voices behind me shouting, I turned around and saw Hermione and Y/B/F/N.

"What?" I asked sobbing.

"Let's go, I think you want to talk about it..." Hermione said softly, I looked at both of them, and then we walked to the girls bathroom.

"I hate that I like him, even tho he literally hates me. Why? Why him? Why did I have to fall for him, the bad boy, the arsehole, the angry ferret, the evil?!" I asked them and started to cry quietly.

"It's ok, Y/N/N. He was just in a bad mood." Hermione said and hugged me.

"He doesn't deserve you, if he acts like this." Y/B/F/N said and sighed, then I looked at my bag and tried to find my sketchbook, but I couldn't.

"Oh hell to the no, no, no." I said quietly and continued trying to find it.

"What's wrong, Y/N/N?" Hermione asked.

"I can't find my sketchbook. It's gone." I said panicking.

"Oh noooo." Y/B/F/N said worriedly.

"Dear lord...we need to find it." Hermione said and I nodded and we ran out of the bathroom.

*End of flashback*

Draco's POV

After Y/N ran out of the Potions class I felt guilty. I now regret everything I said. She's not a bitch. She's actually very pretty. I looked down at the floor, and saw a book. I looked at the cover, and read...

Get your hands off my sketchbook, you arsehole,

because it's mine, 

Y/N Y/L/N.

She's gonna kill me if she sees that it's in my hands...I think she's capable of killing someone when she's angry...

We continued our lesson and I quickly put that book in my bag thought I should give it back to her at the end of the day, because we won't see each other until dinner.

The rest of the day went quick by, to be honest, nothing important happened. Well...I didn't saw Y/N at all for the rest of the day.

We had some time before dinner starts so I went to my dorm room, laid down on the bed, and then remembered that I still have her book in my bag.

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