Holy s*it...

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I hate that my brother and I aren't talking to each other. I'm so mad. My parents even changed my name, because they thought I'm not good enough. They thought it would be better if my brother and I were separated. Wouldn't you hate that? Of course you would. Then it was the moment when I went to Hogwarts...I saw my brother and my parents in King's Cross station...all smiling. I wish my parents could have accepted me like they accepted me. I was 2 months old when they gave me away. I'm pure-blooded, but I live with muggles. Actually I was living next to Hermione Granger, well I call her 'Mione of course. She's my best friend. I was sorted into Gryffindor with Harry and Ron of course, all his family members were sorted into Gryffindor. Enough with that...we were on our way to Hogwarts, starting our 5th year. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Note that sarcasm.

"How was your summer guys?" I asked, looking at Harry, Ron and then at 'Mione.

"It was better than most of my summers had been. But not for all of us..." Ron said awkwardly and then looked at Harry.

"Mine was good, we had so much fun together after all. Even Harry was with us sometimes." Hermione said smiling and even Harry smiled a little.

"It was good at first, when I was able to with you guys, but after that when Dementors came...I'm not so sure." Harry said, I nodded understandingly. 

We talked for the whole train ride and then...

"Who's gonna be our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" I asked Hermione while the boys were talking.

"I don't know, but I really hope it's someone like Lupin, he was the best." Hermione said smiling.

"I agree." I said giggling.

"Hey, Potter!" We heard behind us, we stopped.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked glaring at him.

They started to argue again, but I zoned out and looked at my brother...oh right, I didn't tell you, but my brother is the one and only...

Blaise Zabini. 

He doesn't recognise me, but it's for the best. He would hate me anyway...but then Harry stepped in front of Harry and Harry wanted to hit him, but Ron held him back. I rolled my eyes and stood in front of  Harry and glared at Malfoy. Who also glared at first, but then he smirked.

"Hey, you little fucker! Back off!" I said glaring at him, his smirk grew only wider and his goons ooo'ed behind him.

"Would you let me fuck you, babe? Ha! Try to make me back off." Malfoy said, Harry tried to hit him, but Ron still held him back.

"Why would I? There are plenty of girls who would love  to fuck you. What makes you think that I would let you fuck...me?! You dirty minded fucker. How can I make you back off then?" I asked him, still being mad at him. He came closer to my face, I froze.

"But what if I tell you that... I only want to fuck you ? Besides I can back off now  if you give me a kiss." Draco said close to my face, I gulped.

"Fine. But just a quick reminder...I hate you so much, you little fucker." I said quietly and kissed him...on the lips...quickly and then pulled away.

"Now back off." I said calmly.

"Sure thing, babe." Draco said, then winked, then slapped my butt and walked away with his friends and high fived them while laughing.

"You fucker don't touch me or I will do the same and you will regret it." I shouted after him.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now