Girl crush

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What would you do when you're Severus Snape's daughter? I'm just gonna be honest right's not easy. Especially when you know that he hates your friends, because they all aren't from Slytherin. You see...I have many friends from of them is obviously Harry Potter. But that's not the biggest problem...Literally the biggest problem is that I'm in love with Draco Malfoy! Him out of everyone...him.  It's sad, really. I love him. But he doesn't like me. least that's what I think. Forget that. Now I gotta go to my next lesson...which is with my dad. That's not funny.

"Y/N will please sit next to Mr. Malfoy?" Dad asked me when I entered the classroom. I was the last one...somehow.

"Sure, professor." I said quietly and sat down next to Draco. He had his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"So...Y/N why are you saying professor instead of father or dad?" Draco whispered to me. I gulped and turned to him.

"Why do you care, Malfoy?" I asked whispering. I don't want to have a detention with dad tonight...

"Call me Draco, please." He basically begged.

"Fine. Draco." I said quietly. I can't look at him...his shiny blue eyes and his little satisfied smile. Too much. I can't handle it.

"Why are you avoiding me? You always watch something else besides me when we talk...haven't you heard that  it's rude?" Draco asked me confusedly.

"Shut up, Draco. I want to listen." I said angrily. Then glared at him and then turned back to look at the front.

Draco's POV

Why do I love her out of everyone? Why?!

I gotta girl crush, hate to admit it but
I gotta heart rush, ain't slowin' down
I got it real bad, want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh she's giving you now

That beautiful hair...her smile...just everything about her. She's just perfect. And soft looking lips...I wish I could just kiss them... 

I wanna taste her lips, yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then you'd want me just as much
I gotta girl crush, I gotta girl crush

I hate to admit it, but I really do love her...

"Shut up, Draco. I want to listen." She said angrily. Then she glared at me and turned back to look at the front.

She's right...I should shut up. 

"Yeah..." I whispered and looked at the front too. I need to talk with Blaise...


After our Potions lesson I walked out with Hermione, but she noticed that I zoned out a bit... 

"Are you alright, Y/N/N?" She asked me worriedly, when we stopped.

"Y-yeah." I said stuttering.

"I know you're not. Come, let's walk around a bit. We won't have any lessons anymore." Hermione suggested, I nodded and we walked away from our school a bit. Next thing I know is that we're sitting next to a tree, which is next to Black Lake.

"Now...what's bothering you? I-Is it Draco?" She asked quietly. 

"Y-" I was cut off by four voices coming our way. I turned around and saw the twins, Harry and Ron.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now