Lovely (part 4)

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"Trust me it's fair. Because I have other things to do. With some teachers, and with Dumbledore." I told him, and winked jokingly.

"Why always girls are lucky?" Ron asked quietly. Me and Hermione giggled, and then we all walked to the class together.

But little did we know that some guys from Slytherin table were listening to our conversation...


*Now let's take this huge time skip. It's the day of the Yule Ball*

"Y/N!" Hermione yelled from our dorm. I was sitting in the common room, reading the song lyrics all over again.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" I yelled back at her.

"I need your help to get ready. I know you're just singing in there, but I need your help right now. And also we gotta do a little make-up to you too. Now come  here, immediately."  She yelled. I rolled my eyes, and stood up.

I walked to our dorm, and saw here walking around the room.

"Hermione calm down. You look amazing." I told her, she stopped and then looked at me.

"Thanks. But can you help me now?" She asked panicking. I smiled and nodded.

After getting her ready... she looked really, I repeat really amazing. Why can't I be that beautiful?!...

"Y/N!" Hermione said, I blinked and looked at her.

"Hmh?" I asked her, she chuckled.

"You were zooned out again. Anyway let's put you some make-up on now." She said excitedly, I sighed and sat down in front of the table.

When that was also done we had only 30 minutes to put our dresses on, and go to the Great Hall...

"Now get your dress on, quickly!" Hermione said, and we ran to the bathrooms.

After changing Hermione was nervous again.

"What's wrong now, Hermione?" I asked when I rested my hands on her shoulders.

"Can you-can we like walk down the stairs together. When we're supposed to get to our dates?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Of course, but you know that when we're down the stairs I basically gotta run out of there to the teachers. Right?" I asked her, she nodded. And we went out.

When we were in the common room we saw Ginny with Neville.

"Hey guys." I said and then hugged both of them.

"Hey!" They said in unison.  We talked for a second, and then went to the Great Hall...

Neville ran to the other guys who were still waiting for their dates, and then Ginny walked down the stairs to him.

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" Hermione whispered to me. I nodded smiling.

"Now it's our turn." I told her, she nodded nervously. 

And then all eyes were on us, including the Slytherin prince. And the rest of his gang.

"Just remember that you look absolutely amazing, Hermione!" I told her, she thanked and we went to her date.

"Now Mr. Krum! Take a good care of this one, she's a princess." I told him, looking in the eye.

"Of course. Thanks Y/N!" Viktor said chuckling, and how we know each other... we were neighbours for 3 years.

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