Why do you hate me so much?

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I don't get it, like why is this happening? Umbridge came, Slytherins are getting more of an assholes. Well...the whole school is acting weird, but  I'm getting along with all of them, besides Draco of course. He's being an asshole. I mean...Slytherins basically are meant to be like this, but all the others Slytherins besides him are being tolerate enough. I can literally get along with the whole school. But not him. WhY? If it's about that I'm in Gryffindor house then...that little brat is gonna die. I'm pure-blooded, pretty rich, but I don't care about that. The most important things in my life are having a family and friends. I care about them the most. That's not the point tho.

"Y/N we have to go!" Hermione shouted, pulling me out of thoughts and dragging me to our next class, with Slytherins, of course. Why always with them?? I mean I have nothing against all of them...but yeah, I do have something against Draco, he has something against me, so it's all mutual.

"Why? Draco is there, and you know we don't get along." I said basically whining.

"But why? I mean you get along with all Slytherins, but why not him?" Hermione asked as we sat down in front of Harry and Ron.

"Because he has something against me. He literally hates me and I've done nothing to him. He's just..." I started, but I didn't find the right word  how to describe him.

"A brat? Git?" Harry asked grinning, I looked up at him and giggled.

"Right. Yes. But I truly gotta admit he's gotten hotter this year. Like have you see that jawline? And his smile? Goshh that smirk...don't deny it, he's getting hotter." I said quickly and they looked at me with their mouths open.

"Do you have a crush on him, Y/N?" Harry asked calmly, but he didn't seem very...happy about it? Ron looked oblivious for a second, but when I answered...

"I? What? No...no...I think no? Why would I?" I asked confusedly, but I think I was blushing because of embarrassment.

 Imma die. Pretty sure of it.

"Y/N DO YOU LITERALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?" Ron shouted, my eyes went wide, I looked around the room and the whole class was looking at me, including Draco. I face palmed.

"Shut the fuck up, Ron. I-Oh...hello, professor." I said and tried to change the subject. Our professor came in on the right time. Thank god.

"You have a crush on someone, Y/N/N?" Pansy asked me quietly, because she sat next to Draco and they were basically sitting next to mine and Hermione's table. I turned to her, wanted to say something, but I made an eye contact with Draco for a second. I broke it and shook my ead.

"Well...err...I hope the fuck not, because this dude hates me." I said awkwardly, but Draco was looking at me with his smirk playing on his lips and then he raised his eyebrow.

"Is that so?"  He asked quietly under his breath. I glared at him.

"But the only guy who doesn't tolerate you is sitting next to me." Pansy said quietly, but then she started giggling.

"I-why are you giggling, Pansy? Anyway- what? No! I-I thought that he's not the only one. I swear. He hates me more than anyone in here, but...I-ok I'll shut up now." I started to ramble, but then blushed again, because of embarrassment, ok?...At least I think so.

"Y/N you're acting weird, do you want to go to the Hospital wing?" Pansy asked me, I shook my head and turned to Hermione who was smirking.

"Why the bloody hell are you smirking?" I asked Hermione.

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