Oh bloody hell

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6th year. The craziest one so far. I had this weird feeling since we came here this year. Well of course this feeling started when me, Harry, Hermione and Ron saw Draco Malfoy acting weird in Diagon Alley. Not much to talk about it, but yeah...I don't like this feeling. It's not comfortable. If you know what I mean. That's not the point right now tho. Harry is absolutely sure that Draco is a death eater, and that he cursed Katie Bell. I don't want to believe it, but I have a bad feeling that it might be true. In all honesty...I'm not happy about it.

"Harry, stop. He's only 16, he can't be a death eater." Hermione said when we sat down on the Great Hall. I nodded in agreement.

"but you know who he is. He is a Malfoy, he's never gonna be a good person." Harry explained.

"It doesn't matter, Harry. Some people change. Give him a chance, please." I said to Harry, he sighed and started to talk with Ron.

"Why is he so stubborn?" I asked Hermione sighing deeply.

"I have the same exact question." Hermione said looking at the both of them.

"Do you believe him? I mean do you also believe that Draco is a death eater?"  Hermione asked me nervously.

"I-I hope not. He's just a frking 16 years old boy, he's too innocent and he's not like his father." I said quickly.

"Do you like him, Y/N?" Hermione asked me, I gulped and looked at the table awkwardly.

"Oh really? Are you ly-Hey, Harry! Katie Bell is back." Hermione said quiwtly to us when she saw Katie entering the Great Hall. Harry quickly looked up and started following her. The three of us looked at their direction.
The next thing I saw was that Harry turned around and looked at the entrance, we looked confusedly at him and then...We saw Draco, who was looking extra nervous and anxious. I looked at him for a second, he looked at me too and then he turned to look at Harry. Then he quickly walked out and Harry followed him. Harry basically ran. Oh god...

"Harry stop!" I shouted after him when he was out. Hermione and Ron were confused.

"I'll follow him. See you guys later." I said quickly to them and then ran after the direction I saw Harry going.

I heard Harry yelling Draco's name angrily, I followed and I ended up in the boys bathroom. What the hell are they doing here?

I'm not going in, it would be way too awkward. If they're fighting in there right now...I'll murder them. I promise. My thoughts were cut off by Harry shouting...he used some kind of spell on him!!! I just went in and I saw Draco laying on the floor and he was bleeding...very badly.

"Oh my god!!! HARRY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shouted at Harry and quickly sat down next to Draco.

"Breahte Draco, breahte. Harry why did you do this?" I asked Harry angrily, he looked  shocked.

"I didn't know. Oh god." Harry said quietly.

"Y-Y/N?" Draco asked confusedly.

"Be quiet, you're making it worse. Harry get some help, now!!!" I said calmly, but Harry saw that I was mad.

"Get out, Potter. You too, Y/L/N!" Snape came in...literally out of nowhere and Spain with his monotone voice.

"What did I do?!"  I asked confusedly.

"Don't go. I-I need to talk t-to you." Draco said quietly, I held his hand gently...well I think I did. Snape just sneered and used some spells to heal him. Then Draco blacked out and Snape carried him to the Hospital wing and I followed.

"Y/L/N let Pomfrey know we're coming." Snape said and I ran to the Hospital wing.

"Mrs. Pomfrey are you here?" I shouted and she came running to me.

"What is it, Ms. Y/L/N?" She asked confusedly.

"Professor Snape is carrying Draco Malfoy here!" I said quickly, but she understood.

"Ok. Let's get this  bed over here ready for Mr. Malfoy." She said and showed me a bed on the right.

"We're here!" Snape shouted when he entered the Hospital wing with Draco, who was still unconscious.

"Good. Get here!" Mrs. Pomfrey said, Snape nodded and put Draco on the bed.

"Could one of you stay with him until he wakes up?" Mrs. Pomfrey asked, looking at me and Snape.

"Y-yeah, sure." I said when professor Snape turned to look at me right after Pomfrey asked that question. Snape nodded and went out.

"Stay here with him. You might have to be in here until the morning..." She said, I nodded gulping. She walked away, I looked at him for a second and then rested my head on his bed. All of sudden I got tired and I'm pretty sure I was asleep in 2 minutes. Now you think 'Why?'? Well...that's because the next thing I know...is that I woke up, because someone was saying my name...

"Y/N! Y/N!" Someone whispered, I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the one who was saying my name was no other that our famous Draco Lucius Malfoy himself.

"Oh bloody hell...I'm sorry-I uhh...you should rest so u-umm...I'll go." I said stuttering...a lot. I started to blush because of embarrassment and he just chuckled.

"You look cute when you blush, you know?" He asked me with his usual smirk.

"Thanks, I guess." I said awkwardly and tried to stand up.

"Can I tell you something before you go to those boring classes?"  He asked me, I stopped and looked at him confusedly for a second.

"Y-Yeah." I said quietly.

"I've actually wanted to tell you this since last year, but anyway...I'm pretty much in love with you since we started our 5th year. So yeah as I said I like you since last year, and I'm gonna stop talking now." He said awkwardly and looked down. I giggled and walked closer to him.

"Oh really? That's funny, because I like you too, you little ferret." I said and kissed his cheek. Then started to walk to the door with a smile on my face.

"You still remember that?" He asked quietly, but I still heard him.

"Yep, bye now." I said with a smirk and walked out, but before I did I heard him say...

"She just kissed my cheek...I may sound like a teenage girl right now, but...I think I'm even more in love because of this." He said even quieter...


I'm so sorry for being a b*tch and not updating, but I was just...hanging out with my friends and I studied for exams. I'll update soon again, and I promise I'll update my other book tonight!!!

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