Just admit it

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I really thought that in our 5th year some things are going to change, but guess what...they didn't. Of course, why would they change?!We have the whole Malfoy gang which obviously means that we might have some changes, but not the good ones. Well...there's a way for them to change to be really honest, they just have to smell some weird ass potion. But even if that won't work then I don't what will. I just wish Malfoy would leave Harry alone, well he does, but only if we have lessons and not with Slytherins.

But...guess what again, today we have DADA with them. Me and Hermione sit next to each other, like always and  like always Malfoy sits with Zabini behind us. They speak all the time, for fuck sake. Usually I don't say anything if they're getting annoying, but sometimes I just have a really bad mood and then...I might say some stuff that I shouldn't say. Sometimes I regret them, but sometimes I don't. Anyway the point is that today I have a bad mood, because Parkinson tried to jinx me and then Peeves tried to scare me. Wouldn't you get mad?! Well back to the story now, right?

"Y/N did you saw Harry's hand when he came back from the detention with Umbridge?" Hermione whispered to right before Malfoy gang came in and Umbridge followed them. Had her weird smile on her face, like freaking always.

"No I didn't...what happened in there?" I asked her confusedly, she looked at Harry for a second and then turned to me and bit her lip. After that Malfoy sat down, but we ignored them.

"Well she burned his hand." She said quickly, but slow enough for me to process all this. I looked at her with wide eyes, I turned a little to the side so I could face her, if that makes sense.

"She did what? She burned his hand?" I whispered and kinda shouted. I think I had some weird voice crack too. After that she put her hand over my mouth. She looked at me with wide eyes and she was also blushing because of embarrassment. She'll kill me, haha. That 'haha' was nervous tho, just in case you didn't realize.

"Shut up, Y/N, bloody hell. I don't want to have a detention with Umbridge." Hermione hissed. I huffed and then faced the front again.

"I hate those mudbloods, especially Granger. Have you like seen her face...it's ugly. All those mudbloods in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. They all are so disgusting and all they do is to talk about some muggle stuff together. And they they feel so happy about it. That's awful. And that mudblood, Granger, is always reading books, that filthy little book worm. I think Granger-" Malfoy whispered to Zabini chuckling and that bastards chuckled with them. I looked at Hermione with a look like 'I'll say something stupid shit if you won't say anything', she just looked at me with sad eyes and shook her head. I mentally groaned and then turned to face Malfoy and smiled at him sarcastically. He stopped talking for a second, before starting to talk again to me, with an eye roll before all that.

"What do you want, you filthy little half-" Malfoy started, but I cut him off...I can already feel that anger inside him. This dude is gonna attack me.

"Shut up, Malfoy. For fuck sake you're talking about Hermione right behind her. Are you actually that dumb? I know you hate Hermione for some none existing thing, but shut the hell up. You talk about Harry and Hermione so much that it actually makes me think that you like one of them. Since I know you're not gay...you probably like my little friends 'Mione. I bet on it that she would like you back, but if you act like a d*ck towards her...I don't think it's going to work. And you think why would she like you even if you didn't act like a d*ck. Well it's quite simple, you're the hottest idiot in our school." I said and winked in the end. But when I did that his cheeks turned a light pink. I chuckled and turned around.

"Y/N you're an idiot." Hermione said and chuckled.

"Hey! You love me, I'm your bestie." I said pouting.

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