Ferret problems (part 2)

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"We should get to class!" Hermione said, trying to change the subject. We all nodded and went to class...

 After Potions was over we had 2 hours for a break and then we had dinner. As I was walking out of the class Hermione quickly walked to me.

"Y/N are you sure that this is a great idea to have THAT exact ferret in our dorm, I mean I know you love them, but why that one?" Hermione asked quickly and then somehow Ron and Harry arrived too, next to me.

"First of all boys...don't scare me like that or I promise I will hex you to the new century! Now Hermione...I love him, he is so cute...so innocent, by the way he kinda looks like a Malfoy, not that I like him or anything, but still." I said looking at them.

"This is what happens with Y/N when she's spending too much time with Malf-the ferret! God damnit!" Ron muttered to himself and earned two punches on his shoulder by Harry and Hermione.

"Shut up Ron! And Y/N I don't know why, but I think you like him. And please, Y/N do not hex us!" Harry said with fear in his eyes, I glared at him, but then sighed.

"You know what? I don't know. Maybe I do like this git, but he hates me so what does it matter anymore?! Sorry I didn't want to sound rude...it's just that many students from Gryffindor and Slytherin are asking me about the ferret! I don't understand why. The whole school knows that I'm obsessed with ferrets and when I get one they either ask about the ferret or about Malfoy! Why are they asking about Malfoy? I really don't get it." I told them truthfully.

"It's okay Y/N! Calm down. You'll find out why they're asking about Malfoy from you tomorrow, in the morning." Ron said, but muttered the last part to himself.

Time skip to dinner...

Me and the Golden Trio were sitting at our Gryffindor table when Neville asked me...

"Hey! Y/N where's the ferret?" He asked smiling and the whole Gryffindor table  looked at me curiously.

"In my dorm, why?" I asked him confusedly. Most of the Great Hall heard that I think, because many of them wolf whistled. I was even more confused by now.

"What the bloody hell is going on? Why literally all of them ask me about the ferret?" I asked the trio confusedly again, Ron looked at the others and then at me.

"You'll find out tomorrow!" Ron said quickly, but right after that Hermione put her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up Ron!" Hermione hissed at him.

"Ron you'll be dead tomorrow..." Harry said as he looked at me innocently.

"What?Ron! Explain, now!" I said glaring at him.

"I can't." He said and started to eat our dinner.

After eating dinner and getting some stuff for the ferret to eat we walked back to Gryffindor common room. When we entered we sat on the couches and talked a little.

"Ok I got to give some food for the ferret. I'll be back in 10 minutes or...never mind. I should study so I'll say good night to you guys." I said and hugged all of them, but right after I was about to go up the stairs the Weasley twins decided to come in.

"But where are our hugs?" They asked in unison, I rolled my eyes at them smiling and then walked to them and hugged them tightly while saying good night to them. And finally after that I was able to go...Finally.

I hugged the ferret warmly and gave him some food. He ate it and I started to study, but thank god I didn't had much. I am really tired already, I'm not joking.

After studying for 45 minutes I decided that I should go to sleep. I stood up from my bed and started to walk to the bathroom to change, but I turned around.

"You know what? I really don't give a f right now about you seeing me in my underwear for real. I'm too lazy and too tired to go the bathroom to change." I said and quickly changed into my pyjamas and went under the covers.

The ferret came closer to me, he put his head on my neck which made me giggle,

"Good night to you too." I told him smiling and then drifted off to sleep.


When I opened my eyes I felt something heavy on my waist...what the heck? What happened to my ferret?! I freaked out a little though. When I tried to turn around I felt someone breathing on my neck...oh god... it's a-it's a human?!

"Hey!Don't move. I feel comfortable right now." The voice said...it sounded so familiar is this-is this literally M-Malfoy?!?

"Malfoy?!" I asked shocked and turned to face him.

"Yes? Y/N I feel comfortable right now, will you shut up?" He asked me opening his one eye and I saw him smirk as I looked at him.

"Why are you here? First of all you hate me. Secondly... you don't have a shirt on. Wait are you-are you the-" I asked him confusedly when I realized that he was the ferret? How can I be so dumb! That's why the others asked me about him...oh no...

"Yes I was the ferret, ok?" He asked.

"Oh hell no. You...you basically saw me on my underwear god no. What did I do to deserve this?" I asked and tried to hide my blushing face under the covers, but he chuckled.

"It's ok. I enjoyed it to be honest *smirks*, but now can we sleep a little longer? I'm kinda tired you know." He whispered to, I looked at him blushing and then he pulled me closer to his chest.

"But then you-you heard me telling the ferret you that I kinda like you..." I whispered with a shaking voice.

"Yes of course I did. By the way... *leaned closer to my ear* I like you too." He said while smirking and then he kissed my neck and after that we drifted off to sleep, both having a smiley face...

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