Crushes (part 2)

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I smiled at both of them, then stood up, and hugged them tightly.

"Thank you so much, guys. I love you." I said and I think I even sobbed a bit, which of course made them chuckle again.

"It's ok Y/N/N, we love you too." They said in unison while still hugging.

And then... 

"What did we miss?" Hermione asked confusedly... 


"Nothing, it's all good guys." I said, and the twins nodded innocently.

"Ok. Now...back to you Y/N. So do you like him?" Hermione asked sitting in front of me, with a half smirk and half smile on her face.

"N-no." I said and turned to the twins.

"We asked her the same, and she said no. And she trust us with this kind of stuff. If she would have told us she would be dead by now, because we would have told him that. But as you can see we didn't so it means that she doesn't like him." George said, smiling. Well at least I can trust them with this, I hope...

"Fine. We believe you, but we don't trust her right now. I just have a feeling that she likes him. Oh and Y/N if you do...I wouldn't hate you, I would appreciate your relationship, because I think you guys would make a great couple, even when he's an asshole." Hermione said smiling, I looked at her awkwardly, and then nodded.

"Well...I'm gonna be honest I agree with you, Hermione! They would make a great couple. And I think that in the very very deep in my heart I would appreciate this relationship too. Even when I do hate him. And well if he does something bad to you then I swear I will break his neck. We're talking about you, that's why, you've been my best friend since we were born." Harry said, and then sat down next to me.

"Same here." Ron said, and sat down next to Hermione, and Ginny nodded smirking.

We all were silent for like 3 minutes until...

"You guys overheard everything, didn't you?" I asked, looking at all of them.

"Not all of us. Only Hermione, and then she ran to us, and told us. But what we said is the truth, I swear." Harry explained quickly, looking at the floor.

"Oh...ok..." I said, looking at all of them, still.

"Woah, guys! We should start to move, we're gonna arrive in 4 minutes, gosh! We gotta go!" Hermione shouted, and stood up quickly, like all of us.

When we arrived we were the last ones who get out...well we had to talk so I guess it's the best...

"You know, Harry. I always thought that you and Ginny would make a good couple." I said smirking, both of them blushed.

"Y/N/N you're gonna be the death to me. I swear to god." Harry said, and stepped closer to me. I started to laugh and then I started to move back, because I thought that he's gonna punch me, well...

I didn't happen...

I stepped like 4  steps, and then I almost fell (almost) , but I didn't...

"Aaghhh!" I said, before I fell, but then someone grabbed my waist, so I wouldn't fall.

"Woah, be careful!" That someone whispered, mostly to himself , I think.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to-" I cut my self off, because I looked who it is...

And guess what...

It was him, yes, him, Draco Malfoy.

"It's ok, Y/N. Just be careful, and it's the 2nd time today that you have basically bumped into me. You really like me that much, huh?" He asked, smirking.

"Of course she does, I heard all that. Oh and Draco, my mate, you should tell her that you like her too. You can't hide that for too long. She would find out eventually." Blaise said, I looked at both of them with wide eyes. Draco blushed, I blushed, Blaise put his hand over his mouth, Hermione smirked, Harry looked shocked, Ron looked shocked as well, Ginny looked happy, the twins smirked at each other, high fived, and then nodded at Blaise, who looked me and Draco now.

"Is this true?" Draco asked looking at me with a little smile, I looked down, and nodded. 

"Oh my god, really?" He asked happily, I nodded again smiling.

Then he somehow forced me to look at him in the eye, and then...he kissed me passionately.

After we pulled away he asked a question that  I thought he would never ask...

"Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend? Please?" He asked quietly.

"Of course." I said, and then he kissed me again, while having a smile on his face.

And then after  only 1 day we were the most famous couple in Hogwarts...

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