Not you, Lightness! (part 2)

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"Never." I said smiling and then walked out.

I ran to Hagrid's hut, told him to take care of my bag and give it to Hermione when they all are coming to our lesson and that I was going to visit Lightness.

Hermione's POV

After Y/N told professor McGonagall that she has to go we tried to finish our test and when it was done we just walked around until we had to go to Hagrid's hut...


"And how exactly are we going to do that?" We heard Malfoy asking Hagrid behind us.

"You stroke the spine of course." Hagrid said and we all opened our book, well Neville tried, but...

"I think they're funny." I said to Harry and Ron chuckling.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny." Malfoy said behind us, we turned around...

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry said angrily and they started to argue again.

"Oh, Hermione. Y/N told me to give you her bag until she comes back." Hagrid said and gave me Y/N's bag.

"Yeah, of course, thanks, Hagrid." I said smiling and then taking the bag.

"Where's did Y/N go?" Malfoy asked us again, can't he just shut up.

"She-" Ron started, but Harry stopped, because...


I visited Lightness, I talked to him a bit and then...

"Hey, buddy...I have to go. I'll see you later and I'll take Harry, Ron and Hermione with me. I love you." I said to him, hugged him for the last time and then he came and held me close to him. I really love this dragon.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I love you so much, I promise I will come back as soon as possible." I told him, kissed his head and then walked to the way where I saw Hagrid taking Buckbeak.

"Hey, Hagrid! And hey, Buckbeak! I missed you!" I said and hugged both of them.

"You can ride with Buckbeak to the others. Well Buckbeak has to walk tho. I don't want them to freak out." Hagrid explained to me smiling.

"Of course." I said smiling and Hagrid put me on top of Buckbeak who turned to me also somehow smiling.

"She-" I heard Ron starting, but Harry cut him off, because he saw Hagrid with Buckbeak and then he saw me. Well...when I jumped down from Buckbeak's back...if that makes sense.

"This is Buckbeak, everyone!" Hagrid said smiling at the students, I smiled at him and went to talk with Hermione and the others.

"Thanks for taking care of my bag, Hermione." I told her smiling.

"I'll always help you when you need it. How's Lightness tho?" She asked me.

"Oh, good, good. He didn't want to let go of me. I told him that we're gonna visit him tonight together tho, I mean with Ron and Harry too of course." I told her, she smiled brightly.

"I miss this troublemaker. But-" She wanted to continue, but Hagrid cut her off.

"Now who wants to ride with Buckbeak?" Hagrid asked, the whole class stepped back besides me and Harry, we looked at each other and then at Hagrid.

"Y/N come here  and show them how it's done and then Harry you'll come next." Hagrid said I smiled and put my bag on the ground now and walked towards Buckbeak.

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