Unexpected love

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Where should I start?...

Ok ummm... I'm Harry's twin sister. Yes, I'm Harry Potter's twin sister, if you didn't realize this already. It's our 5th year at Hogwarts now.

And right now we have DADA with not so friendly bastard Umbridge...well she likes all Slytherin kids, but all the other houses she hates. Especially she hates me, and Harry.

I don't understand why... I mean Harry told her that Voldemort is back, I believe Harry, but I'm scared that it might not be true. I of course believe my brother, but sometimes he's unbelievable, trust me I've lived with this dude for 15 years...

Anyway to the story...

We listened... well anyone besides me listened to professor Umbridge, but I was the one who was almost sleeping. She makes me tired ok?

In basically 10 seconds I was asleep.

*The dream*

"Where the hell am I?" I asked quietly, and then someone was standing behind me, I turned around and saw...

"V-Voldemort?!" I asked stuttering.

"Yes indeed, Ms. Potter. Now do me a favor, and be better than your brother. Join my side, join with the Death Eaters." Voldemort said with his evil smirk plastered on his face.

"In your dreams." I said, glaring at him.

"Oh... be wise. It would be better, trust me." Voldemort  told me, smiling (weird smile though).

"No!" I yelled .

*End of the dream*

And I woke up...

"NO!" I yelled...in real life too I think, because all of them looked at me worriedly or shocked.

"Y/N/N?! What happened? Are you ok?" Harry asked beside me, I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"Look at me Y/N!" Harry said again. I turned to him...

"Y-y-y-you were right all-all along. He truly is back. I had a dream about him again." I told him, the whole class was listening.

"Oh god... calm down, ok?" Harry said put his hand on my shoulder, but I pulled it away,and stood up.

"Where do you think you're going? You can't just leave the classroom! You're gonna have a detention for this. Now come back, and sit back on your seat, right now! Or do you think that if you're a Potter you have no rules? Do you-" Umbridge started to yell, I turned around to face her.

"I don't care." I said, glaring at her. And then tried to wipe off my tears with my sleeve.

I turned back around and walked out of the class crying.

 3rd person POV

"I don't care." Y/N said glaring at professor Umbridge.

Umbridge was still glaring at the door, even when she was gone. Harry was about to stand up to find his twin sister, but...

"Stay in your seat, Mr. Potter! Now... Mr. Malfoy go find this girl, and get her her right back.

Draco nodded quietly, and stood up.

Draco's POV

When professor Umbridge told me to find Y/N I stood up and quickly walked out of the class.

I tried to think where she might go, but I didn't know absolutely anything... I had literally no clue where was she.

Then I had one idea... to ask professor Dumbledore. Hmm... usually at this time he's in the Astronomy tower, thinking. I'll just go to there and ask him, maybe he knows where she might be. I hope he does.

I had just 2 more stairs to go, but then I heard Dumbledore talking to... wait he can't be alone when he's talking... let's just listen...

"But Y/N are you sure that it was the Dark Lord who you saw in your dream?" I heard Dumbledore asking... Y/N?! 


"But Y/N are you sure that it was the Dark Lord who you saw in your dream?" Dumbledore asked me with his calm voice.

"Absolutely sure. I mean I've been thinking about Voldemort lately." I told him looking down.

"Are you sure you've only thought about the Dark Lord?" Dumbledore asked me with a little smirk,and looked at the stairs just for a second.

"Y-yes..." I said trying to avoid his eyes.

"Is that so? I've heard you talking about Mr. Malfoy with Ms. Granger. And I think-" Dumbledore was about to continue, but I cut him off with wide-eyes.

"W-what? No we-we haven't." I said stuttering, he started to chuckle.

"Is that so? Is that's why you're stuttering? Do you like Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked me with a smirk again.

"WHAT? No...yes...ok maybe a little, but I will never tell him that." I told Dumbledore sadly.

"Why not?"  He asked me confusedly.

"Because first: He hates my twin brother. Second: He would never like someone like me, besides I'm Harry's sister. I bet that he hates me." I said sadly again, he sighed, and looked at me.

"But have you told to your brother and your friends about this?" He asked me again.

"Well yes... I was surprised that Harry wasn't even mad at me. He told me that if he likes me back, and he makes me happy then he wouldn't be rude towards him anymore and he would be ok with our relationship. Ron said that if he's gonna make me cry then he would kill him. Hermione told basically the same what Harry said... she told me that she would be happy for me, but if something happens between us then she wants to be the first one to punch him. The twins said that they would try to be ok with him, but if something happens... his life wouldn't be very cool anymore...But oh well it would never happen anyway so...I have nothing to worry about." I said the last part sarcastically.

"Trust me it will be ok, besides I think someone is here to talk to you." Dumbledore said smirking again!! I looked at him confusedly, and then I heard someone walking up the stairs to us. And then I saw that hair... Malfoy?! OH GOD NO,PLEASE NO.

"Sorry professor that I overheard, but can I have a minute with Y/N?" Draco asked looking at Dumbledore and then turned to me.

"Yes of course." Dumbledore said with a smile and walked down the stairs.

"How much did you hear?!" I asked him, basically whispering.

"All of it. I'm sorry. But I also have good news..." Draco said walking closer to and had his basic smirk on his face.

"W.what news?" I asked him nervously.

He grabbed both of my hand and looked at me, directly in the eyes.

"I like you too, very much." Draco said and leaned in...and kissed me on the lips softly.

After he pulled away he looked at my eyes again, and asked the question I thought he never would ask...

"Now... Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked me, smiling.

"Y-yes.Yes, of course, Draco." I said, also smiling. He was smiling so big and then kissed my cheeks and pulled me into a tight hug.

I smiled, and hugged him back, as tight as I could.

And then we heard...

"Ha! Now Snape owes me 10 galleons." Dumbledore said from down the stairs.

Then we started to giggle and I yelled...

"We heard you professor Dumbledore. And you and professor Snape had a bet, because all of this?" I yelled to professor Dumbledore. But I didn't get the answer I wanted...

"Damn it!" Dumbledore said, but me and Draco heard him and started to laugh at him again.

Well let's just say that DADA was awful at first, but it turned into something amazing...

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