Wait what now?

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We all know probably that feeling when you have a crush on someone you know you DEFINITELY  do not have a chance with, right? If yes, then hallelujah we're on the same boat, my dude. That's not the point umm anyway...let's get to the day where I almost fainted.

"Y/N if you won't get up I promise I will ask Malfoy to get you up every single day until you hate him!" Hermione shouted at me.

"Calm down, you angry lady! Jeez...I already hate him, just like you do!" I said to her with a tired expression on my face.

"Yeah right...you don't hate him. You like him. I mean...I would accept your relationship with him, but I really don't know about Ron, Harry and the twins. Ok maybe Ginny too." Hermione said and looked away awkwardly.

"You don't understand...I like him, but I know I have no god damn chance with him. He's a pureblooded b*tch, besides he probably likes Parkinson AND I'm a half-blooded dying soul!" I said angrily while putting my daily clothes on.

"Damn that was deep. Y/N are you alright? Ok never mind you're not. Let's go eat and then go to our lessons and we can talk about it when we have a break. Is that Ok?" Hermione asked me when I was done changing clothes.

"Sure. I wanna eat or I'll murder someone, I swear. Anyone who gets me triggered is getting a deathly spell!" I said angrily. I'm moody in the morning, sorry. Can't control it.

"You're scary so let's go quickly, what do you think?" She asked me nervously.

"Wise words, let's go." I said smiling, she nodded and we went to the Great Hall as quickly as possible.

*We entered the Great Hall *

I was still mad, and guess who stood in front of me...

Malfoy with his "gucci" gang.

"What the f*ck do you want?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Well...someone woke up grumpy." Malfoy said with an evil smirk.

"Don't test me, dude. I might actually kill you." I said with a straight face.

"That was friendly of you." He said and started to get closer to me.

"Get away from me." I said through gritten teeth.

"I have some news for you...*got close to my ear* We have the first class together." He whispered to me, but I could tell he was smirking the whole time.

I was so angry that I slapped him right on his left cheek. He had wide eyes, he got angry, like very angry.

"How dare you hit me? W-" Draco started, but I cut him off.

"Wait until my father hears about this! Am I right OR am I right?" I said with a cold tone.

"Don't mock me!" He said angrily.

"Then don't test my nerves!" I said getting more mad.

"Stop it,  both of you! Y/N come on...you need to eat!" Hermione said and dragged me to Gryffindor table.

"I wanted to punch him. I was about to! Why did you stop me?" I asked when we sat down. The boys looked scared.

"I don't want you getting spelled!" Hermione said.

"Y/N eat. That would be pretty c-cool." Harry said nervously.

"Calm down! I won't do a anything to you. I'm so angry right now. I think I actually might skip this class. It's only Charms and we all know that I have A+ in that class so...I can!" I said and ate my food.

"I wish I had A+ in there...Anyway sure. I think it's better for you, considering that we have this lesson with Slytherin house." Ron said, I nodded and left the table with them. They walked to the class and I went up to the Astronomy Tower. The lesson started and I thought that since I haven't sang for a long time, I should sing something. So I started to sing "Everything I wanted" by Billie Eilish.

As I was singing that someone came up behind me. At first I didn't think any of it, but when I heard the voice...

"Ravens...I have to-" Draco started, I turned around, because his voice.

"Malfoy? What the bloody hell do you want now?!" I asked angrily.

"I was about to continue, shut up!*I rolled my eyes* I have to say that you sing awfully-" He started, but I again cut him off.

"I know I do, but I don't need your opinion." I said rolling my eyes again.

"DO NOT CUT ME OFF! I WANTED TO SAY YOU SOUND AWFULLY GOOD AND ILIKEYOU!" He said quickly. But I think I heard everything he said.

"Wait what now?" I asked nervously and looked at him. He was blushing now.

"You sing very good, for real. And I might kinda l-like you?" He said nervously.

"You're lying!" I said with a suspicious look on my face.

"No. I like your voice! You're amazing at singing and I really like you. I like your smile, eyes and just every bit of your body. Ok that's sounds wrong, but you get me. I just really like you, Ok? I wanted to tell you, but I never had the guts to talk to you about it. That's all. I just like REALLY like you." Draco explained nervously. When he was done he finally looked at me.

"I-I like you too, Draco. I never though you would like me...I thought you basically hate me." I said, he came to me and hugged me tightly.

"I could never hate you." He said to me and kissed my forehead.
We talked for a while and we had a good time...
Btw Ron and the others were pretty fine with our relationship...when we told them after 3 months of dating...


Ok so...yeah Ik it's been pretty long since I last updated. Forgive me. It's just...new school, new friends, more problems, more crying and etc.  Basic stuff yk. But I wanted to thank you all!!! 100K...holyyyy mother of baby Jesus's horse! I'm so happy and so thankful for all of you. Thank you for making my dream come true. Much love and hugs for all of you!!! Also...HAPPY HOLIDAYSSSS!!!❤

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