You're evil!

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*This one is probably pretty short*









"Ferret, you ass." I finally shouted at him again. This is going on daily. I'm tired of him. It's our fifth year. Why would he still-

"Ferret? Oi you filthy little-" He shouted, but was cut off by professor McGonagall and Hermione.

"Mr. Malfoy! Stop this immediately." Professor yelled at him. Both me and him tried to punch each other. Which means that we stepped closer to each other, but we were stopped by Hermione grabbing my hand with Harry and Ron. And Malfoy was stopped by his two minions.

"And I thought that Harry and Draco hate each other. Now...who started it?" She asked us.

"She did!"

"He started it!" We both shouted at the same time and then glared at each other.

"Will you two ever stop doing this?" Hermione asked me sighing.

"I will, if he does!" I whispered back to her angrily.

"You two argue like an old married couple!" Ron sighed and looked at the two of us chuckling. Both me and Draco turned to look at him. He gulped and started to walk backwards slowly.

"I reckon Ron has 10 seconds to run." Hermione said quietly.

"Ronald Weasley." I said as calm as possible.

"Y-yes?" He asked stuttering.

"I murder you. Right now!" I said with a sarcastic smile and started to walk to him, but he ran away.

"Ron!" I yelled and chased after him. 

We did this for like 20 minutes until Dumbledore stopped us with a little smile.

"Ms. Frost are you trying to kill Mr. Weasley again?" Dumbledore asked me jokingly.

"I would, but I can't kill my best friend. I love his weirdness too much." I said and hugged Ron, who was still scared of me, but hugged me back.

"I love you too, demon." He said jokingly and hugged me tightly.

"Don't play with your life like that. If you ever want to tell Hermione that you like her." I whispered to him, but Dumbledore still heard me.

"You're right about that one." Dumbledore said and walked away with a little smirk playing on his lips.

"What are you-you two are mean!" Ron said and blushed.

"Hah! I knew that you like her! Since our 1st year!" I shouted at him, and he blushed more.

"What do you know since 1st year?" Two voices asked behind me.

"My favourites!" I said turning around and hugged the twins. George picked me up and hugged me.

"You're still too little." George said jokingly.

"You're mean." I said and made a sad face. Then George put me down.

"Don't make her sad, George. Now...what do you know?" Fred asked me. I smiled at him and then jumped on Fred's back.

"Carry me, servant! Anyway...I've know since my 1st year that-" I was stopped by Fred and Ron.

"I'm not your servant, little one. But I can carry you." Fred said and smiled at me.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now