Oh no... (part 2)

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"It's none of your business *true* . Why the bloody hell do you care about that?" He asked angrily.

"This is my puppy." Ron said quickly.

"Funny. I haven't seen you with that cute little puppy. Now leave me alone. This little cutie is tired." Draco said, and walked past them. He's actually right, it's none of his business. Anyway he said I'm cute, that's cute. But he would hate if me finds out who I really am.



It was actually really comfy. I mean going to Slytherin common room. That looked so cool. But I got a bit scared that I have to be alone for the rest of the day. That's creepy. Anywayyy Draco walked to his room, he's so lucky. This bastard has his own room, I'm jealous.

Draco put me down in the middle of his king sized bed, and sat down.

"Well I have to go to DADA now so bye. Don't make a mess, please. Anyway yeah... go to sleep little one." Draco said with an actual smile, wow...this is something new, but he has a cute smile. I like it.

He walked out, and basically after 2 minutes I was asleep. At least I didn't have any classes today, that's good. Thank you, Ron.

Draco's POV

When I was in DADA the whole time I thought about this little puppy. How did it get in here? I'm so confused. Also the beautiful Weasley, aka Y/N isn't in here. Weird...she's always in each lesson. Maybe she's sick? Never mind.

"Dude! Do you even listen to me?" Blaise asked beside me.

"Huh? Yeah, of course. What did you said?" I asked him, and he rolled his eyes.

" I asked how did you got that wolf puppy? And is it a he or a she? Do have a name for it?" Blaise asked, now grinning a little.

"Oh...I found it on the corridor, close to our common room. It looked so cute, so I had to take it to my room. I don't know, let's see when we have a break or something?" I asked him, he nodded.

 And after two minutes...

"Hey! Y/N isn't in here. Do you have any idea where is she?" Blaise asked me.

"Do I look like I have any idea? You're her friend, not me. I want to know too where is she, but maybe she's sick?" I asked him confusedly.

"Don't be so rude, mate. I know you like her, but don't be like this or she would never like you back. Anyway...maybe she's sick, but I don't think so." Blaise said again.

"What do you mean? I mean that...'I don't think so' part." I sked him confusedly, again.

"I mean... we were in the library yesterday, studying. She go herself in trouble again,*laughed* but she was like an energy ball. I know how she is when she's gonna get sick. She would look like she's almost dying, but yesterday she wasn't like this." Blaise explained to me.

"Ok, it's weird. Maybe she just slept in? Or-" I was cut off by professor Moody.

"Shush! That's enough. Stop talking in my class, or you'll get detention." Professor Moody yelled, we quickly nodded, and went back to listening to him.


"Drakey!" Pansy screamed beside me. I rolled my eyes, and turned to her.

"Yes, Pansy?" I asked her sighing.

"Don't act like this. What's wrong with you lately?" Pansy asked and put her hand around my shoulders.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I just don't wanna talk to you right now, ok?" I asked her again, she huffed, and walked back to her friends.

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