You're dead

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"IS THAT A THREAT, BOY?!" Was the first thing I heard. Professor Moody was yelling this to...Malfoy?

I stopped and looked around, but I didn't see him anywhere...And then...

"I'll kill him, I'm telling you!" Malfoy shouted and I saw him front of me. I freezed and looked shocked. He ran past me, but accidentally ran into me and pushed me.

I fell down...And I hit the ground. But my head...well...I think I hit some kind of rock.

"Ouch!" I said quietly sitting up and then touched the back of my head. That hurt...And then I saw that my hand was covered with blood.

"That's not good." I said and stood up.

"Y/N? Y/N are you alright?" I heard Harry asking me. I felt dizzy, but turned to look at Harry.

"I'm alright." I said, but he looked at me confusedly.

"I saw Malfoy pushing you on the ground...are you sure you're ok?" Harry asked, I nodded slightly and then Moody dragged Harry away.

"Bye, Y/N." Harry said before he left. I nodded again and walked back inside and found Hermione.

"Y/N You look so pale. What happened?!" Hermione asked when I reached her, finally.

"Nothing. Malfoy just pushed me and I fell down. I feel a bit dizzy, but other than that...I'm good." I explained to her with a little smile.

"Ok. Fine. Let's go, it's dinner soon." Hermione said, I nodded and we  went to our common room and then to our dorm room so we could change.

"Hey! you have any patches?" I asked her with a little smile when I was done changing.

"Yeah. I always have them, because I know how much you hurt yourself. But wait...are you bleeding?" She asked me worriedly.

"A bit. Give me one, please. The biggest one would be good." I explained, she sighed and then tried to find some.

"Show me...where's the place you have to put it." She said.

"I'll watch it. I won't let you see it, it's not that bad, really. give me that patch and I'll put it on in the bathroom." I told her, because  I know that if I would show it to her...she would basically tell me that it's so bad that I should go to madam Pomfrey. 

"Fine, But when you're done putting it on then put some pressure on it and then we'll go to the Great Hall." She said to me, I nodded and went to the bathroom with one of the patches she gave me.

"But why did he push you in the first place?" Hermione asked me confusedly.

"You've probably already heard of that accident what happened to Malfoy, right?" I asked her.

"He was turned into a ferret, yeah." She said, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah. Well...after that he said his usual sentence 'My father will hear about this!' and then Moody yelled after him something like 'Is that a threat, boy?' and then I saw that Malfoy ran right past me and he pushed at me and I fell. So...I hit some little rock or something." I explained to her awkwardly.

"Wait what? But...I'll murder him." She said and I guess she stood up from her bed, because I heard footsteps.

"No. He was just scared of Moody and ran away. I-it's not his fault. I'll heal. It's just a scratch anyway." I said quietly, put the patch on my head and walked out of the bathroom to meet an angry and confused Hermione.

"What?" I asked her confusedly.

"Why are you defending him? I know you like him and all that, but you shouldn't defend him at the moment. He pushed you, you hurt your head and he didn't even apologize to you!" Hermione basically shouted at me. I looked at her with wide eyes and then sighed.

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