My family

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When you're Ron Weasley's could either mean you're as clueless as him sometimes or you're a troublemaker like the twins. Somehow...I'm both. I cause trouble with the twins all the time...but I'm sometimes as clueless as Ron. Well...I don't think I am, BUT...the trio says that and the twins of course. Why? Because they think Malfoy likes me. That's a lie though. I mean we get along and all...but no. I'm in Slytherin by the way. I know Malfoy enough to know that he doesn't like me. Besides he's always with Pansy.

"Y/n Weasley!" Ron said angrily and snapped his fingers in front of me.

"What do you want, Ronald?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"We were talking about Potion essays. What did you get?" Ron asked me and now Harry, Hermione and the twins also turned to me.

"Oh! I got an O, why?" I asked them and they all nodded.

"Just wanted to know. Snape only likes you. He hates us." Ron said with a sigh, and I nodded.

"He only likes me because I'm in Slytherin. If I was in Gryffindor he would hate me too." I said and Ron shrugged.

"Maybe, but you're actually very good at Potions." Hermione said and the others nodded.

"I've always wanted to know how you're so good at it. So...I'll ask. How?" Ron asked and I chuckled.

"Me and Draco were partners once in our second year. He saw me struggling and then he said that if I wanted...he could help me. So we studied almost every evening together. He's actually nice. And ever since then my grades got better and Snape once said he's proud of my improvements." I explained to all of them and they all blinked.

"How did you manage all this? I mean...we were trying to find out more information about the chamber and then the Basilisk. How did you have time to both study Potions and try to solve our school another mystery?" Harry asked and Ron nodded confusedly.

"Guys...Y/N's smart, deal with it. You should be proud of her." Hermione said, slightly scolding the boys.

"Ron...there's always one smart and one dumb twin. Y/n's smart and you're dumb." Fred said chuckling and Ron glared at him.

"And which one are you? And George?" Ron asked, getting mad.

"We're both smart." Fred and George said at the same time with a proud smirk and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Should have seen that coming." I said and they both nodded and Fred winked jokingly.

"You're weird, Fred." I said and he nodded.

"That's why you love me more than Ron. He's boring. I, on the other hand, am cool." Fred said and George shook his head.

"No, you're not, Fred. I'm cool." George said with fake sympathy.

"You two need help. But I love all of you the same. Why would I love some siblings more than others? You're all equally important to me and I'd die for you. And kill for you." I said and the three of them smiled.

"See, Ron? That's why Y/N's the smarter twin." Hermione said and Ron rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

"What about Malfoy?" Harry asked and nudged my arm.

"What about him?" I asked him and looked at him confusedly.

"Do you like him?" Harry and Ron asked me loudly and I rolled my eyes when I saw basically the whole Great Hall staring at us.

"What? No!" I basically screeched and they shook their heads.

"I don't believe you. Besides...he does. He likes you." Ron said and pointed his fork in front of my face.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now