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I think I've never been so confused in my imagine that you're just casually walking in Hogwarts corridor until...UNTIL comes that Malfoy brat with goons and just has to say something  to you. You haven't even done anything, legit anything to him and then he just...ughhh. Well that's happening right now.

"Oi! Mudbloods, Scarhead, Weaslbee and and a Loony." Malfoy greeted us and his goons chuckled. I scoffed and the others just rolled their eyes.

"Why are you scoffing, Mudblood?" Malfoy asked me with a sneer.

"We hate you too. And these names are getting old, come up with a better greeting already."  I told him and we walked away.

"Didn't know you love  me that much." Malfoy smirked, I turned around and looked at him with a face like 'one more word and I will hit you in the face', but he still only smirked. God...that boy is annoying.

"Y/N leave it, he's not worth your time." Hermione said and put her hand on my shoulder softly.

"You're right. He's not." I said quietly.

"Oh I am worth her time, trust me." Malfoy smirked and then winked jokingly in my direction, I groaned.

"For crying out loud, Draco! Shut up or I will literally punch that pretty face of yours. I mean that." I said glaring at him and then walked away from all of them. I was so mad that I wanted to talk to Dumbledore, see...he's the only one who knows how to calm my nerves, somehow. No one else can. So I made my way over there.

Thankfully none of them followed me.

If someone had followed me...they probably would have end up in Hospital wing...whoops? well sorry *sarcasm*  that I used to do some boxing. 

Hermione's POV

"For crying out loud, Draco! Shut up or I will literally punch that pretty face of yours. I mean that." Y/N said glaring at him and then quickly walked away. Everyone had shocked expression on their faces. Well...besides me and Luna, because we knew that she liked him, but we never thought that she'll say 'that pretty face of yours'. We knew that she was angry, but I didn't thought she'll be that angry to say that. 

"Did she just-" Ron started to ask, but Harry cut him off, trying to ask the same question.

"Did she just say what I  heard her say?" Harry asked, looking at Malfoy, who was looking paler than usual. And still hasn't said a word after that outburst what Y/N had.

"Yes." Me and Luna said in unison and tried not to look at anyone.

"This little Mudblood likes the  Prince of Slytherin? Pfft who does she thinks she is?! She's a-" Parkinson started, but Malfoy stopped her, we looked at him confusedly.

"Pansy, stop! Right now. Just shut up, let's go." Draco said calmly and glared at Parkinson. They all turned around to walk away, but not Parkinson.

"But-" Parkinson started, but Draco, well Malfoy turned around and glared at her again.

"Right now!" Malfoy shouted at her and they walked away, but before they did Parkinson glared at us, but I think Malfoy knew it.

"Leave them alone and come or I will tell Snape that you wanted to hex Goyle and you're gonna get into trouble." Malfoy said, not turning around. Parkinson rolled her eyes and followed them.

"Did Malfoy just tell her friend to back off? To basically defend us? And basically he defended Y/N..." Ron said confusedly, I nodded.

"Yeah, he did." I said and we all still looked at the way they went  a minute ago.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now