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I've had better days than I have today...you guys do realize that being a muggle-born and studying at Hogwarts AND  being in the same year as Draco Malfoy is no fun. He's bullying me, more than he bullies anyone else. And his friends too, they call me some...bad names. Not that anyone knows about it besides Harry, Ron and Hermione, but I kind of feel giving up. I mean it's his dream after all.

I was on my way to Potions class once again when he and his friends came up to me... 

"Oi! Isn't this a mudblood, Y/L/N?" Malfoy asked, I turned around to face him. He had his usual smirk on his face and his friends pushed me into a wall, hard. My back hurts. Really freaking badly now.

"What do you want, Draco?" I asked calmly, his smirk faded for a second, but then it obviously came back. I sighed quietly and tried not to have any emotions to give him satisfaction...he doesn't deserve this.

"What I want? I want you, you filthy little mudblood to get hell away from this school! You're a slut and don't you try to deny it, because everyone will listen if I say that you're a slut! I really hope you'll jump off Astronomy Tower one day, because no one would love, hell, even like to be around you. I really hope that. I hate you. I thought that Granger's teeth are ugly, but then I saw your face...and that's hella ugly. If it was up to me then I would probably use our famous killing curse on you. But who wouldn't? Besides whore sounds even better, I mean slut is more common word, but whore? Nope. I would laugh on the day you'll die. Just do all of us a favour and get the hell away from this school, no one wants you here, deal with it." Malfoy said and laughed. I didn't look at him for the whole time, because I looked down and felt some tears in my eyes, but they didn't fall. Then I looked at him and his smirk faded.

"Are you done? *He didn't say anything, just looked at me* Good." I said and then walked away, but when I was out of sight from him and his friend I started to cry and walked to Dumbledore's office.

Draco's POV

"Are you done? *I didn't say anything, just looked at her* Good." She said and then walked away without another word. But I know her enough that she started to cry when she was out of our sight. What have I done?

"I think now you went too far, mate." Blaise said quietly to me and looked at the way where Y/N had gone a minute I gulped and then turned to Blaise.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked even quieter, but Pansy and those other two goons were laughing their asses off.

"You know...I heard Granger trying to comfort her after the last time you said some of this to her. I heard her saying something like 'He's right tho. I don't deserve to be here. I should jump off of  that bloody Astronomy Tower.' You get my point." Blaise said awkwardly. I then heard Pansy and those two goons laughing again, I rolled my eyes and turned to them.

"Shut up! Bloody hell. Or I'll push one of you over the Astronomy Tower. I mean it. Now...I have to-" I was about to continue, but then I heard...

"Y/N NO! DON'T YOU DARE TO JUMP! Y/N DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, HE'S AN ARSEHOLE." I heard Granger yelling  the top of her lungs. I turned to Blaise with worry all over my face, he was worried too. Even Pansy was a bit worried, but the other too were confused.

"NO! JUST DON'T DO IT. WE CAN FIX THIS! BELIEVE ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE! WE LOVE YOU TOO MUCH FOR LETTING YOU GO!" Now Potter yelled. Oh god, oh god, what the hell have I done. It's time to run to the Astronomy Tower. She wouldn't jump if I'll be down there...right? 

"You gotta fix this mess or she'll literally jump. We all have to fix this. Now let's go." Blaise said, we all nodded and ran to the Astronomy Tower.

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