That's love (part 1)

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It's my 3rd year in Hogwarts already. It's crazy to think about, really. I'm really happy. Everything is going well. I'm in a relationship with Cedric Diggory after all. Trust me...when he asked me out I almost fainted. I had a crush on him for about a year and then he just...asked me out. we've been in a relationship  for about 3 happy months and I couldn't be happier. Now it's lunch by the way.

"Y/N! Hey!" Hermione, my best friend, said and sat down in front of me with my two other best friends. 

"Hey, you lot! How are you?" I asked them happily.

"I'm fine. Just tired of Snape." Hermione said, I nodded and smiled a little.

"Still happy. *We all looked at him confusedly* I mean...I'm happy because Y/N is in a happy relationship. I've never seen her more happier. It's so crazy." Ron said, smiling like an idiot.

"Thanks, Ron. It means a lot." I said smiling.

"I'm scared." Harry said and we all sighed sadly. Harry can literally never rest. There's always a problem chasing him. 

"Understandable." We all said and started to eat. I finished before them and then I sighed.

"I'll go find Cedric. See you later." I said happily, they nodded smiling and I ran out of the Great Hall.

I was walking around the corridors...and out of nowhere I heard some moaning. Yuck. Then I turned around the corner and I saw Cedric...with his so called girl best friends...Mary. EXCUSE ME WHAT? That little bastard. Bloody rotten egg. How dare he?!

"Cedric?!" I asked, trying to stay as calm as possible. 

"Y/N? I-It's-" Cedric started, but I cut him off and shook my head.

"It's not what it looks like? Oh, shut it! You've lied better. No...just no. We're done." I said and tried to hold myself together. I ain't gonna cry in front of him. Not anymore. To be honest...I'm not sad...just mad. 

"Wait, Y/N!" Cedric said and tried to chase after me. I need some space...from everyone. How dare he? I didn't expect it from him. I'm in love with him and he just...does this. 

"Y/N?" Hermione asked me out of nowhere. I had somehow made it to the Potions classroom.

"Yes, that's my name." I said with a sigh and sat down next to her.

"What happened?" She asked me quietly and I sobbed quietly.

"What did he do?" I heard Harry asking me and I sobbed even more.

"H-he cheated on me. That little bastard. " I said, getting angry again.

"Excuse me?" Ron asked and he turned almost as angry as me...if not more mad.

"I'll hex him." Harry said with a sarcastic smile.

"He's not worth it, Harry. I don't want you to get expelled because of him." I said and he came to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'll get the twins. They'll prank him. After all they don't like him that much. Twins love they'll embarrass a lot. Y/N everything is going to be fine. I promise." Hermione said and hugged me too now and then Ron hugged me too.

"Oh I'm gonna make him regret this." I said smirking evilly, when we all pulled away from the hug.

"What are you gonna do?" Harry asked me and I smirked evilly again.

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