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You literally have no idea how hard is to be a teacher in Hogwarts. I mean when I was in school I thought it's gonna be fun. But no. I was so wrong. Oh and what subject am I teaching? Easy. I'm teaching Potions. I loved this subject when I was a student, and I still do. 

Like how can you not?!

But today...

Right now I'm controlling the tests in my office, because the 4th year students had a test today you know.

I was almost done, but I was basically cut off...because someone knocked on my door.

"You may enter." I said, then our new professor who's name I don't remember. Sorry, but I'm not good with remembering names.

"Prof. Y/L/N we need you in the Hospital wing." She said, I put my things down and walked to her.

"Why? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked her.

"One boy got hit with a spell. And they said that only the Potions teacher knows how to cure him." She said, I nodded and quickly ran to the Hospital wing.

"What happened?" I asked when I entered, and then ran to thr boy. And his father who looks just like my crush...when I was in school. Draco Malfoy.

"He got hit with a spell." Madam Pomfrey said panicking.

"This spell must have done much damage, because he's breathing too slow. He looks a bit familiar, who is he?" I asked.

"He's my son." His father said, and then looked at me.

"Malfoy?!" I asked, he nodded.

"Ok. Well I'll go to my office, and make a potion to cure him. Also I think-" I was about to continue, but Malfoy cut me off.

"I'll help. Let's go." He said, and grabbed my arm and started to walk out.

*My office*

We stated to make it, while talking about it a little until this one stupid question...

"Hey. Do I know you or something? You look kind of familiar. Did you went to Hogwarts?" He asked, I turned to him awkwardly.

"Yep. Well yes of course you know me since you bullied me, because I was wearing glasses.  And look...I still am!" I told him annoyedly, and turned back to our potion. He was silent for like a minute and then coughed awkwardly...

"I'm sorry. What's your name tho?" He asked quietly, I turned to him again.

"My name is Y/N. Goshh why did I have a crush on my bully...I hate myself so much." I said, but whispered the 2nd sentence to myself.

"You? You're Y/N? H-how? You look way too beautiful. There's no way that you're Y/N Y/L/N. Like the one that I know. You were in Gryffindor?" He asked, but I blushed when he said 'you look way too beautiful'.

"But I am the one and only Y/N Y/L/N. Just deal with it. And yes I was in Gryffindor, got a problem with that again?" I asked, glaring at him. But not for too long, because he still looks handsome. Why?!

"No. There's no problem with that. Wait...did you said that you had a crush on me earlier?" Draco asked me.

"Fine. Yes I did, but did you heard me saying that part when I said I hate myself?!" I asked him angrily.

"Yes. But I'm sorry for all I did to you in the past. Also how did you had a crush on me when I literally bullied you?" He asked again, I rolled my eyes.

"Because you were handsome, well you still are, but that's not the point. Also our potion is done. Let's go back to the Hospital wing." I said quickly, he looked zooned out. I rolled my eyes again and grabbed his arm, and basically dragged him to the Hospital wing.

"Finally!" Madam Pomfrey said, and then went to Draco's son. Draco was still zooned out.

I then let go of his arm, and walked to the boy...

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now