Oh no... (part 3)

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"Ok that was cute, I not gonna lie, I got some tears in my eyes because of that. I mean...if she would have heard you she would hug you for next 42 hours. She loves hugs, and I can tell that this little angel loves hugging too." Blaise said as I got closer to Draco.

Why does he know me so well?!

"Then I would hug her for these 42 hours. Only if she wants. But now we gotta go... our lesson is gonna start in 15 minutes." Draco said, and smiled sadly at me. Then he took me closer to his face, and literally kissed me on my so called forehead, and then put me back oh his bed. Then both of them stood up and walked to the door.

"Bye Angel." Draco, and Blaise said at the same time, smiling, and then walked out...


I can finally sleep in peace again, I love it. Damn I'm jealous Draco has a very I repeat very comfy bed. 

Hermione's POV

As I was walking to our next class I saw Malfoy and Zabini talking...

"I mean for real dude. Her eyes are exact same colour. I mean that's so cool. Like-" Zabini was cut off by Malfoy who was blushing...wait blushing?

"I know. And still Y/N's not in any lessons today. Maybe she's sick. I hope she's ok... Can you some of the Gryffindors if she's ok?" Malfoy said, hold on does he like our little Y/N? She likes him too, and now Malfoy has her as a pet...oh no. And since when Malfoy cared about someone?!

"Yup. I was about to ask anyway, but I'll ask Granger I think, because they're basically besties. You know. Anyway... I still don't think she's sick." Zabini said. Please no, don't ask me.

I quickly walked to our class, but we have it with the Slytherins...I'm gonna die.

I sat down next to Harry, we talked a little. But then...

"Hey, Granger!" Zabini said behind me. Harry looked at me confusedly, I sighed and turned around.

"Yes, Zabini?" I asked him confusedly. Even though I knew what he's gonna ask.

"Is Y/N sick or something? I mean she's not in any lessons so..." Zabini said awkwardly, but I saw Malfoy being nervous a little. Is he ok?

"No, she isn't. She just slept in, and then she looked too tired. So we told her that she doesn't have to come to any lesson today. Why you ask? I mean I know you guys are friends, but why?" I asked him getting more confused.

"Oh...ok. Hug her from me please. Tell her that I've some news for her." Zabini said.

"O-ok." I said stuttering, and turned around again. Harry looked at me confusedly again.

"What was this all about?" Harry asked quietly.

"I'll tell ya later." I told him also quietly.

He nodded and we waited for our teacher.

*Time skip to dinner*

"Ron...I have a question." I told him awkwardly as he sat in front of me at the dinner, and the twins too.

"Look if you're gonna ask me why did I do that to her...It's not like this, I wanted to do this to the twins." Ron said and looked at me.

"No it's not that. I know you wanted to do this to the twins. Not that I approve any of this, but anyway... what would you do when you would get to know that Malfoy likes your twin?" I asked him quietly, and awkwardly.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now