Mint and apples

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Hermione's POV

Y/N is going to kill me. That's it.

"Oh, God." I said quietly and right after that both Ron and Harry entered my cabinet.

"What's wrong? Why did you need us?" Harry asked, getting concerned.

"Remember how we tried to track down Malfoy?" I asked them, getting nervous.

"The Aurors have been trying to find him for 3 months, yes. Wait! They found him?" Ron asked now.

"Wait what? We can go and get him?" Harry asked, now smiling slightly.

"We need another Auror. The Ministry made a new rule after all." Harry said and I nodded nervously, which made Ron confused.

"What did I miss?" Ron asked and I rolled my eyes.

"After so many deaths and injuries the Ministry doesn't want 2 people to go if needed. They want 3 people to go. I would come with you two, but I'm not an Auror." I explained to them and they both nodded.

"But we need someone who's good." Ron said and looked at me and I nodded.

"I think we all know who we need. But I'm not sure she's happy to hear that she's gonna have to find Malfoy. They were bullying each other every day in school, literally. Even when they started to work together and Malfoy turned good." Harry said and both me and Ron nodded at him.

"But we need her. She's one of the best Aurors. At least in England." Ron said and we nodded.

"Call Y/N." Harry said and I nodded.


After Hermione's call, I went to her cabinet, only to find her, Ron and Harry looking at me nervously.

"What did you do?" I asked them with a sigh and they all sighed.

"Remember how we tried to track down Malfoy?" Hermione asked me and I nodded confusedly.

"We found him. But since the ministry doesn't want 2 people to travel alone...they-" Hermione started to explain and I groaned.

"I need to go, huh?" I asked, getting irritated. I've never got along with this slimy git.

"Yeah. We need to. You're one of the best Aurors in England, come on." Ron explained.

"Yeah, thanks. But we never got along though." I said and the three of them nodded.

"We know. But at least try." Hermione said and I nodded.

"Fine. When? Where? With who?" I asked quickly.

"We're leaving in a minute. You need to apparate to this...Central City. You need to check the whole city, I guess. You'll go with your best friends, Y/N. It's going to be fine. Just don't attack him." Hermione said and I chuckled and nodded.

"Let's go." I said and then me, Ron and Harry apparated to this...Central City.

"It's kinda funny. The one who hates muggles the now trying to blend in with them. Ironic, don't you think?" I asked when we now stood basically in the middle of the city.

"Y/N you and your fake happiness and sarcasm...won't help you today." Ron said and nudged my arm.

"If you find us. We need to use that muggle device now." Harry said and I nodded.

"Where do you think he might be?" Ron asked when we started to look around the table.

"He was smart in school after all. Maybe some justice stuff? Police? They call it that, right?" I asked and they nodded.

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