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I have to admit...I don't enjoy this year at all. We have transfers this year. And we have Yule Ball coming up...in 2 weeks! I'm not waiting for this to happen, because I'm not a fan of fancy dresses and no one has asked me. And the one I want to go with...would never ask me. Anyway...I'm in Slytherin. I get along with anyone, but I'm not exactly friends with any of them. I'm mostly hanging out with the Weasleys, Potter and Granger. I don't even know how we're friends...but we just are. You also thinks it's weird? And Slytherins and Gryffindors should be enemies? Me too, my friend. I just somehow get along with basically anyone. That's honestly so weird, because the other houses basically hate Slytherin house. I don't know why tho...we're not that bad. We do care about the others. Wanna know something...funny? I've had a crush on Draco Malfoy since 2nd year. Haha. Ok it's not funny, it's annoying, actually.

Hey, how did we, how did we, how did we end up at your place?

"Earth to Y/N!" Harry said loudly in front of me. I looked up at him with a confused face.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"You were zooming out. And we have to go to the library. I need your help. Ron and Hermione are coming too." Harry said, I nodded and we walked to the library.

I saw Draco on my way there...he looked at me with a smirk and then winked at me. What the hell? What is he planning?! I blushed madly tho. Who wouldn't? He's...perfect, honestly.

With my hand, with my hands, with my hands around your waist. Like you're too cool-cool. I don't believe that it's true, still.

"What do you need help with?" Hermione asked, when me and Harry arrived there.

"What do you guys think...what will help be breathe under the water for an hour?" Harry asked us with pleading eyes.

"I have no clue, Harry. I'm not the right person to ask this." Ron said confusedly and looked at all of us.

"Ask Hermione or Neville. Because I'm also not the right person to ask." I said and stood next to Ron.

"Wait...you have to breathe under water? For an hour?!" Hermione asked Harry.

"Weasley, Granger. Professor Mcgonagall wants to talk to you. *Harry also stood up* Potter stay here, Longbottom and McCall help him put his books back." Moody came out of nowhere and said that. After saying that he went away. Then Neville started to talk about plants, but Harry stopped him.

"No offense Neville, but I really don't care." Harry said, I chuckled quietly, but then stopped.

"Wait...Neville is there any plant that could help Harry breath under water for an hour?" I asked, he thought a bit and then nodded.

"Come with me." He said and we went to find some book. Harry came too of course. Then we found it, Harry was happy and Neville smiled shyly.

"Thanks, Neville." Both me and Harry said at the same time.

"No problem. I'll go now." Neville said and walked away.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. I hope you'll do good. Get some sleep tho." I said to Harry, he chuckled.

"Ok, mom." Harry said and walked out of the library.

Your taste. I could drink, I could drink, I could drink a whole damn case.

I walked around the library and tried to find a book to read...

Every drip, every drip couldn't let you go waste. When you're making those moves, ayy. I don't know what to do, yeah.

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