On My Team (Oliver x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Lily Potter, Harry's older sister. This happens in your 5th year (Harry's 3rd and Oliver's 7th.) You're a Gryffindor. 


"Hey Potter", Oliver says, sitting across from me. 

"Wood", I reply. 

"Are you trying out for the team this year?" I look up at him and he looks back at me hopefully. I glance at Harry, silently asking for help. He shrugs and I look back at Oliver. I shake my head as I sigh quietly. 

"I don't think so." Oliver's jaw drops in disbelief. 

"Why not?!", snaps Oliver, "You're a great chaser!" I scoff and roll my eyes. 

"I know I'm a great chaser", I say, "I don't have to try out if I don't want to." Oliver sighs exasperated and stares at me. 

"You know, you're something else", Oliver says.

"Why is that, Ollie?", I ask, tilting my head innocently causing him to blush lightly. Oliver coughs flustered as I lean towards him slightly. 

"You're the only person who refuses to try out even when the captain personally invites them to." I scoff lightly and lean back in my seat. 

"You're so full of yourself sometimes", I say, "You know that?" Oliver smirks and takes my hand in his. Goosebumps appear on my skin as he strokes my wrist with his thumb. 

"I'm only hoping I can get you to fall for me, darling." I huff and snatch my hand out of his as Harry sits down next to me. 

"I'll try out for the team the day that happens."

"Alright, it's a deal love", Oliver smirks before getting up and walking away. I stare at his retreating back in shock. 

----Time Skip----

"What's the deal with you and Oliver Wood?", Hermione asks, as she, Ron, Harry, and I sit in the library studying. I look up from my potions book as the three 3rd years stare at me. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Y/N", Ron says, "Everyone knows that somethings going on between you two."

"I don't know what you're talking about", I say, flipping the page. Harry rolls his eyes and gives me a disbelieving look. 

"You guys flirt all the time!", says Harry, "I wouldn't be surprised if you two are fucking in broom closets." I blush as Hermione scolds Harry. 

"It's more like a game at this point", I say.

"Sort of like a cat and mouse thing?", asks Ron. 

"Yeah, something like that."

"Y/N Potter!" I yelp as two strong arms wrap around me from behind, picking me up and out of my seat. Hermione giggles as the person spins me around. He puts me down and I look up, placing my hands on his chest. 

"Hey lass", Oliver says, smiling brightly at me. I blush lightly and quickly turn my face away. I reach over him and grab a stack of books. I walk away causing Oliver to follow me. 

"What do you want, Ollie?", I ask. Oliver leans against the bookcase as I place the books back on the shelf. 

"I want you on my team."

"So does everybody else." 

"Come on, lass", says Oliver. 

"Oliver, I've already told you", I say, "I'm not one for teams and rules." Oliver sighs and wraps his arms around my waist. He rests his head in the crook of my neck as I place the last book on the shelf. 

"Baby, please", he pouts.

"Who are you calling baby?!", I snap, ignoring my fluttering heart. Oliver blushes and straights up. 

"D-Did I say that out loud?"

"Y-Yeah." We both sit down on the floor across from each other. Our backs to the bookshelf as we awkwardly stare at each other. 

"I'm sorry", mutters Oliver, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I lower my gaze to my hands as I fiddle nervously with my mum's engagement ring. I pull it off to avoid looking at him. 

"You didn't make me uncomfortable, Ollie." Oliver watches me as I look up and push the ring back onto my finger. 

"R-Really?" I nod shyly and for the first time ever I suddenly feel very small around Oliver.  

"What are you doing?", I ask, flinching slightly as he gently grabs my wrist. He pulls me towards him and I find myself sitting on his lap. He places his fingers under my chin and forces me to look him in the eyes.

"I love you, Y/N", Oliver declares, "And I'm tired of playing games. I want to call you baby and I want to say you're mine." 

"I love you too, Ollie", I mumble, blushing as he leans closer. He hesitates as his eyes silently ask for permission to kiss me. I take in a small breath and nod. Oliver presses his lips against mine briefly before pulling away. I quickly press my lips against his again in a deeper and longer kiss. We both pull away from lack of oxygen. I don't open my eyes right away, panting slightly from the kiss we just shared.

"Baby, open your eyes", he whispers, his voice a little hoarse. I hesitantly open my eyes and Oliver looks at me lovingly. He runs his thumb over my lips before kissing me again. 

"I'll try out for the team", I mumble, as he pulls away. He beams and nuzzles into the crook of my neck. 

"I have never been more in love with you than I am now." I laugh as he presses a kiss to my neck.

"I love you more", I say. 

"Impossible, darling", Oliver mutters, as he kisses me again.  

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