Too Cute (Neville x Reader)

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A/N: I apologize in advance. This is short and terrible. You are Y/N Lily Potter which you've probably known because of the title. Anyways, you're in Gryffindor and this takes place in yours and Harry's 4th year. 


"Harry, wait!", I yell running after my brother. Harry turns around and waits for me to catch up. 

"What's up sis?", Harry asks as we both start towards Hagrid's hut. 

"Stop scaring guys away!", I snap, "Everyone has a date even Hermione!" Harry sighs glancing at me. 

"Y/N, guys are dicks", Harry says, "I don't want you to get hurt." I roll my eyes. 

"Ron let you ask Ginny!", I reply, "Ron trusts Ginny because he knows she can take care of herself like I can!"

"Y/N", he says. 

"Hey Y/N! Harry", Neville says nervously as he walks towards us. 

"Hi Neville", I smile at him while Harry shoots him a look. Neville gulps his hands shaking.

"Y/N Potter, would you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He looks at his feet nervously.  I smile and Harry scowls. 

"I would love too, Neville", I reply. Neville looks up at me in disbelief. 


"Yeah." Neville beams and hugs me. I smile hugging back as Harry clears his throat. Neville leaps away from me. 

"You're too cute", I say giggling as Harry wraps his arm around me protectively.

----Time Skip----

Neville's POV

I wait of the bottom of the staircase with Harry and Ron. Ginny and Hermione walk down together and spilt. Hermione walking to the left away from us. Ron was staring at her. His mouth wide open. Ginny taps Ron.

"Close your mouth Ron", she says, "You'll catch flies." Ron quickly shuts his mouth and swallows. Harry and I laugh as gasps fill the air. 

"I-Is that Potter?", Malfoy gasps. I look up to find Y/N looking stunning in her red dress:

She catches my eyes and smiles causing her to trip over her dress

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She catches my eyes and smiles causing her to trip over her dress. Harry rushes forward and stops her from falling. 

"That's definitely Potter", Nott says in between laughs. Y/N sticks her middle finger up at them before looking at me. I blush handing her a rose. 

"Y-You look lovely", I stamper, "I mean you always do. It's just tonight you look even more lovely. Wait...that's not what I-"

"You really are too cute", Y/N says cutting me off, "Thank you." She plants a kiss on my cheek and grabs my hand pulling me behind Harry and Ginny.  

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