Moony's Mate (Young! Remus x Reader)

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A/N: Hello! You are Y/N Evans, Lily's twin sister. You are also in Gryffindor and a Marauder. Your animagus form is a wolf. Your nickname is Alpha.


I run down the corridor trying to find James and Sirius. I see them a few feet away in the courtyard. 

"Sirius! James!", I yell. I trip over something and tumble into Sirius. 

"Malfoy! You did that on purpose!", James shouts glaring at Malfoy. 

"It's not my fault the mudblood can't see", Malfoy snaps back. James pulls out his wand getting ready to hex Malfoy. 

"He's not worth it, James", I say, "Come on, let's go find Remus". James rolled his eyes but obeys.

"Yeah Potter", Malfoy says, "Be a good boy and listen to the mudblood". I growl and shrug Sirius's arm off my shoulders. I walk quickly to Malfoy and kick him where it hurts. James and Sirius wince hands flying to their own. Malfoy sinks to the ground howling in pain. 

"That's what you get, Malfoy", I snap. I turn on my heel and walk towards James and Sirius. 

"Damn you, you filthy little mudblood". Without looking back, I stick my middle finger up. James and Sirius are still looking at me protecting themselves when I walk past. 

"Come on, you idiots", I say, "Let's go find Moony".

"Whatever you say Alpha", James says. The two of them (now over their shock) follow me. 

"So why exactly are we trying to find Moony?", Sirius asks. I look over my shoulder. 

"I have two things to tell you guys", I say. 

"What about Peter?", James asks. 

"Peter's in your dorm eating a bag of chocolate frogs", I reply. 

"Moony's probably in the library", Sirius says. I smirk. 

"How is it that you know where he is, Black?", I tease, "You stalking him?"

"What? No!", Sirius says. James smirks too catching on. 

"Are you stalking him because you fancy him?", James asks teasingly. 

"I don't fancy him", Sirius says as we stop in front of the library.  I look around the library from the door and spot Remus with my sister. 

"Well boys, I'm going in", I say slipping into the library.

"Don't die", James says. I smile and make my way towards Lily and Remus. They were chatting about a book. Boring! 

"Hey guys!", I say plopping down beside Remus. 

"Hello Y/N", Lily says holding up the book, "Remember this?" I look at the cover and smile. 

"Little Women", I say leaning onto Remus, "I remember we used to make Petunia read it to us". Lily laughs nodding. 

"You used to hit her with a pillow until she gave in", Lily says. Remus chuckles and looks down at me. 

"That does sound like Y/N". I smile poking his cheek. 

"As much as I would like to stay", I say, "Remus and I have business to take care of". I stand up grabbing his hand and pulling him up. 

"Okay, see you later N/N", Lily says. 

"Later Lils", I say. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Remus's POV

"So, what did you want to tell us?", Sirius asks. 

"Two things", Y/N says, "The first thing is about tomorrow's full moon and the other thing's about the map". 

"Let's start with the map", I say gulping. Y/N smiles mischievously. 

"To reveal it, we should say I solemnly swear that I am up to no good", Y/N explains, "To hide it, mischief managed". The boys and I break into smiles. 

"You're a genius, Y/N", James says throwing her a chocolate frog. She catches it and leans back into me. 

"I know", Y/N says opening the frog and splitting it in half. I smile and take the other half. 

"So what about tomorrow's full moon?", Peter squeaks. 

"It's the start of mating season", Y/N says biting into her half of the frog. Sirius and James look at me with eyes wide. 

"Why didn't you tell us?", James asks. I tense.

"I-I didn't know", I stutter. Y/N rolls her eyes and turns around to look at me. 

"That's bullshit Moony", Y/N says. I avoid looking at her. 

"It's not", I say. 

"You know who you want, don't you Moony?", Y/N asks. Still avoiding her gaze, I nod. She sighs and stands up. 

"Who?", James asks. 

"I'm not saying", I say. Sirius smirks and looks at Y/N.

"Well, she needs to be at the shack", Y/N says, "This is the one time you aren't transforming". She pats my shoulder and faces James and Sirius. 

"You two find out who she is and bring her to the shack". She glances at me once more before walking out. James and Sirius run over to my bed. 

"You want her, don't you?!", They shout. I look at down at my lap messing with my thumbs.  

"I-I don't know", I say. Sirius rolls his eyes.

"You love her and you know it", Sirius says. I look up at Sirius and he smirks knowing he's right. 

"I do love her", I say, "But what if she doesn't want me?"

"Remus, you two cuddle all the time", James says. 

"You two look at each other a lot", Peter pipes up. I sigh. 

"Let's just hope she wants to be my mate".

----Time Skip----


"Sirius, let go!", I snap. 

"No, you're coming with us", Sirius says. 

"Why? I don't want to see the love of my life with another girl", I say. James smiles and pets my head. 

"You'll see", James says gently. They rush me into the Shrieking Shack. They place me down on the ground and I see Remus hugging himself. 

"Where is she?", I ask. Sirius smiles and pushes me towards Remus. 

"We'll leave you two alone", Sirius says. He and James leave. I look at Remus. 

"Remus, are you okay?", I ask. Remus looks up and pounces on me knocking us both down. 


"I want you to be my mate", Remus whispers looking down at me. 

"What?", I ask. 

"I want you to be my mate", He says, "I love you". I smile and kiss him. 

"I love you too". He smirks and leans down. 

"I'm gonna mark you tonight".

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