He's a Cheater (Cedric x Reader x Fred) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of He's a Cheater. You are Y/N L/N, a Hufflepuff. You are in Fred's year making you younger than Ced by a year and younger than Fred by a few months. This takes place in your and Fred's 5th year and Cedric's 6th.


"So, it's true then?! You're actually cheating on me?!" Cedric's expression is broken as tears fall from her eyes.

"Y/N, I-"

"Get out of my face!"

"Y/N, let me explain!", Cedric says desperately.

"There's nothing to explain! You cheated on me!", Y/N says.

"Y/N, I swear I didn't mean to!"

"If you didn't mean to, you wouldn't have done it in the first place!"


"We're over Cedric Diggory!", Y/N shouts. She shrugs off his robe and shoves it at him. She kicks his bag and books as far as she can and glares at him. Cedric sighs in defeat, gathering his stuff. He looks back at Y/N sadly before walking away. Y/N collapses into me and sobs into my chest violently.

"Don't cry sweetheart", I soothe, "He's not worth it." I kiss her forehead as she clings to me for comfort.

I'm going to kill you, Pretty-Boy Diggory!


I sigh as I slip out of Fred's bed. Fred stirs from his spot on the floor and looks over at me.

"Morning", I whisper, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"It's okay", Fred waves me off as he gets up, "I have to get up anyway." He throws the extra blankets and pillows onto his bed. 

"Okay." I blush slightly as I notice he's not wearing a shirt. I quickly look away as he looks over at me. 

"How are you doing?", he asks. His voice is gentle and slightly worried.

"I'm doing okay", I say, "Thanks for letting me stay here last night." Fred strides over to me and wraps me up in his arms. I blush again as my cheek rests against his bare chest. 

"Don't worry about it", Fred mumbles into my hair, "You can stay here with me until you're ready to go back." 

"I don't think Lee and George would like that very much", I mumble, "Besides, my stuff is in my dorm. I'm going to have to go back to the Hufflepuff basement eventually." 

"We don't mind Y/N", Lee's groggily voice says, "I think it's nice to have someone other than these two idiots to talk to." I giggle as Fred throws a look at Lee. 

"And about your stuff", George says, as suddenly awake, "We'll go get it while everyone else is in Hogsmeade today."

"You guys would do that for me?", I ask. Lee and George approach me and Fred, joining the hug. 

"Of course, you're our favorite Hufflepuff", they say, as all three boys squeeze me tightly. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Fred's POV

"Don't tell anyone", Y/N snaps halfheartedly as we stop in front of a bunch of barrels by the kitchen. 

"We won't", George and I chorus. She smiles and taps the barrel two from the bottom and the barrel in the middle of the second row in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. The lid swings open and exposes a passageway. Y/N smiles at us before she gets down on all fours and crawls through it. George and I exchange looks before doing the same. 

"There you are, Y/N", says Cedric, getting up from an armchair. Y/N tenses and grabs my sleeve as I appear next to her. George stands on her other side as neither one of us takes our glares off Cedric. 

"Hey Diggory", George greets coldly.  I wrap an arm around Y/N to comfort her causing Cedric's eyes to widen. He shakes it off and glares back at me. 

"I was worried when you didn't come back to the Common Room last night", he says, turning his attention back to Y/N, "Where were you last night?"

"I do believe that's none of your business, Pretty-Boy Diggory", I say. 

"I wasn't talking to you, Weasley", he replies coldly, "I was talking to my girlfriend." 

"If I do recall, I dumped your ass last night", Y/N says, finally snapping out of her nervousness. Cedric winces slightly as Y/N crosses her arms and fixes him with a glare of her own. 

"Y/N, can I have please have a chance to explain?"

"10 minutes. Fred and George, go get my stuff. The bed closest to the window." George and I nod before heading up the stairs. 

Cedric's POV

"Look, it was a mistake on my part", I say, as soon as Y/N is settled on the armrest of the chair across from me. 

"Oh really?", Y/N asks, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Yeah, I just-", I trail off. 

"You what, Cedric?", Y/N asks. 

"I just felt like we were drifting apart", I mumble. 

"And instead of talking to me about it, you thought your best option was to cheat?", Y/N says scoffing. 

"I wanted to see if the spark was still there", I say, "So, I kissed Cho to see if I felt what I felt towards you." Y/N rolls her eyes. 

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you feel what you felt towards me?", questions Y/N. 

"Of course not", I say, "Y/N, you're the only girl who makes me feel this way." I hesitantly approach her and rest my hands over her knees. My face was right in front of hers. As I started to lean in, Y/N places a finger on my lips. 

"You cheated."

"I'm sorry", I mumble against her finger. Y/N shakes her head and gives me a bitter smile. 

"It's your loss, Cedric", Y/N whispers. She shoves me away and stands up as Fred and George walk down. George is carrying two boxes while Fred carries another one and her trunk. Y/N takes out her wand and pulls up her sleeves. 

"Reducio." The boxes and trunk shrink down and Fred shoves the three boxes and trunk into his pocket. 

"Ready to go?", asks Fred, taking Y/N's hand in his. Jealously bubbles in the pit of my stomach as Y/N smiles up at Fred. 

"Yeah", she replies. The Weasley twins leave, taking with them the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

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