The Slytherin Prince's Soft Side (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: I apologize in advance. This might be terrible. Anyways, you are Y/N Diggory, a Hufflepuff and Cedric's little sister. In this one-shot, Cedric and Y/N are best friends with the Golden Trio. This happens in your 4th year and Cedric's 7th. Your brother and the Golden Trio find out about your secret boyfriend and Cedric doesn't die. 


"Y/N, we need to talk!", roars Harry, as he, Cedric, Hermione, and Ron storm over to me. 

"Huh? What did I do?", I ask, looking up from my Potions homework. All of them stand in front of me with their arms crossed. 

"Why didn't you tell us?!", Hermione demands. I look at her confused. 

"Why didn't I tell you what?"

"That you're dating Malfoy!!", Ron spats. 

"Oh that", I say. 

"Yeah, that", says Harry. 

"Because I knew you four idiots would overreact!", I snap, "Just like you're doing now." 

"We're not overreacting!", snaps Cedric, "If anything we're underreacting!!" I roll my eyes as each one of them launches into a rant about how Draco Malfoy was a vile and cruel jerk with no sympathy for anyone. 

"Shut up!", I snap. They all look at me surprised since I never yell. 


"I said shut up, Cedric", I say, "Draco isn't vile or cruel around me! If you can't accept the fact that he and I love each other then you're no better than what you claim he is!" I turn around and walk off. 

----Mini Time Skip---

Cedric's POV

"Y/N?! Come on! Where are you?!", I yell, "We're sorry, okay?! Don't be upset with us!! Come on out!!" The trio and I wander around the castle and grounds trying to find my sister. I finally catch sight of her with Malfoy by the Great Lake. I get close enough so I can hear them. 

"Here, Dray", Y/N says, handing him a flower crown. He takes it and stares at it 

"What is it?", Malfoy asks, staring at it with fake interest. 

"It's a flower crown, silly", Y/N says, "You wear it like this!" She takes out a matching flower crown and puts it on her head. 

"Do I have to?", Malfoy asks, with a small scowl. Y/N nods and Malfoy looks at it sighing before putting it on. 

"You look so cute!", Y/N giggles, pulling out her pocket mirror. Malfoy looks into and a small smile forms on his lips. It quickly disappears as he turns his face into one of disgust. 

"It's awful!", he says. Y/N studies his face before laughing and plopping down in his lap. 

"You love it though!", she says, poking his cheek. Malfoy rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around Y/N to keep her from falling off. 

"I do not love it!", says Malfoy, "It's just a crown made of stupid flowers!" Y/N laughs again as she straightens the crown on his head. 

"Uh-huh sure, Mr. Slytherin Prince", Y/N says, "I know you love it!" Malfoy grumbles something under his breath before pampering her face with kisses causing her to giggle. 

"I don't believe it", says Hermione, "Draco Malfoy is-"

"-smiling", finishes Ron. Harry and I stay silent as we watch the couple lay down on the grass. Their flower crowns are now tucked away safely in Malfoy's bag. 

"I guess big bad Draco Malfoy has a soft and gentle side", Harry mumbles. 

"The Slytherin Prince has a soft side after all", I mumble. 

"Yeah, and her name is Y/N Diggory", Hermione mutters, causing me to stiffen. 

"If he breaks her heart, I can kill him right?", I ask. 

"Yeah", says Ron, "As long as you don't mind going to Azkaban." We look back at Malfoy and Y/N as Malfoy tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her gently on the lips. I guess he's not so bad after all. 

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