His Hufflepuff & Her Slytherin (Adrian x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Diggory, Cedric's younger sister. You're a Hufflepuff and in this one-shot, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Pansy, Daphne, and you are best friends and referred to as the Queen Team (name brought to you by the Weasley twins). This happens in your 4th year (Hermione, Pansy, and Daphne's 4th year, Luna and Ginny's 3rd year, and Adrian's 6th year).  


"Y/N!!!", Pansy shouts, sitting down across from me. I look at her and she gives me the biggest smirk I've ever seen on her face. I give her a curious look as Ginny, Hermione, Luna, and Pansy join us with smirks that match Pansy's. 

"What is it?", I ask, looking up at my best friends. 

"Adrian Pucey", says Daphne. 

"What about him?"

"He just dumped that girl from Beauxbatons!", Hermione whispers excitedly. My jaw drops and Luna's practically bouncing out of her seat with excitement. 

"How do you know?", I mumble. 

"Daphne and I were walking out of detention with Snape last night", explains Ginny, "We heard arguing so we hid behind a corner and heard him end it." Luna, Pansy, and Hermione squeal in excitement and all five of them look at me with high hopes for my reaction. I feel my face flush as they stare at me and it deepens as Adrian walks by. He glances in our direction as a small smirk forms on his lips. I advert my gaze as Cedric plops down next to me. 

"Hey Kiddo", he says, planting a small kiss on my temple. 

"Hi Dimples", I say, as my eyes follow Adrian to the Slytherin table. He starts looking up and I quickly look away. I rub my cheeks, trying to get the color out of them. Cedric notices and glances over at the Slytherin table. 

"Don't look now, but he's staring at you", he whispers. Pansy, Daphne, and Ginny whip around as Hermione, Luna, and I glance up in time to catch Adrian's gaze. He blushes and quickly looks away, obviously flustered at getting caught. 

"I think he has a crush on you, Y/N", teases Daphne. 

"I don't think so", I mumble, "Why would he?" 

"Cedric!", Hermione shrieks in horror, as Cedric whacks me upside the head. 

"What was that for?!", I whine, pouting as I rub the back of my head. 

"Y/N Diggory, the question is why wouldn't he? You are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your big brother", says Cedric, "You are beautiful, funny, and smart. Listen to me kiddo, you're a lil' heart breaker so stop putting yourself down." 

"Yes! We love a supportive brother!", Ginny says, clapping. 

"We stan Cedric!", cheers Pansy.

"Thanks, I guess?", Cedric blushes, causing us to laugh. I look up and lock eyes with Adrian. We stare at each other and his face breaks into a gentle smile. I smile back before hiding my face in my brother's arm. I peak out slightly to find him still staring at me with a blush present on his cheeks. 

"We should go", Luna says, "Don't wanna be late for detention." The seven of us get up and make our way out of the Great Hall. Footsteps rush towards us.

"Hey Y/N", Adrian says, suddenly appearing next to me. 

Hi Adrian", I say, "What's up?" He grabs my hand and pulls me into an empty classroom. I look up at him in surprise. His face is red and he's running his hands through his hair. Something that he only does when he's nervous. 

"I-I wanted to ask you if-", Adrian trails off, avoiding my eyes. 


"If you wanted to go on a date with me?"  I swoon slightly as Adrian nervously bites his lip and runs a hand through his hair.

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