She's A Weasley! (Weasleys x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Y/N L/N. Your family was killed by Voldemort when you were only one, making you an orphan with no place to go. You are Ron's age. This happens at the end of your first year and the summer before your second.  


I sat silently in my compartment on the train. I stare out of the window not wanting to go back to that damned orphanage. I sigh silently as the door slides open. 

"Hey Shortie", Fred says, as he, George, and the Golden trio join me. 

"Hi Freddie", I mumble sadly. Fred and George sit down on either side of me as the trio sits in front of us. All five of them look at me concerned. 

"Are you okay?", George asks, placing his hand on my knee. I shake my head and hold back my tears. 

"What's wrong?", Ron asks. 

"I don't want to go back to the orphanage!", I reply, "I hate it there!" They all nod in understanding. 

"I can't imagine what that's like", Harry says sympathetically, "I mean I hate the Dursleys but at least I have a place to call 'home'." I sigh and the twins hug me tightly. A few stray tears stream down my face and I wipe them. 

"I have an idea", George says, "Why don't you stay with us for the summer?" I look up at him as he wipes another tear. 

"Really? Would your parents be okay with that?" The twins and Ron smile and nod. 


----Mini Time Skip----

"Mum, this is our friend Y/N", Ron says as I nervously cling to Fred's arm. I give her a shy wave and Fred laughs pinching my cheek. I glare at him and swat his hand away. Mrs. Weasley chuckles.

"Hello, Y/N, dear", she says with a kind smile. 

"H-Hi", I mumble. 

"Can she stay with us for the summer?", George asks. 

"Yeah, please Mum?", Fred adds, "We don't want to let her go back to that orphanage." Mrs. Weasley looks at me and my grip around Fred's arm tightens. Her face breaks into a gentle smile. 

"Of course she can!", Mrs. Weasley exclaims. I sigh in relief as the boys cheer. George grabs my trunk and the four of us follow after Mrs. Weasley, Percy, and their little sister. The girl lets go of Mrs. Weasley's hand and falls into step with me and the twins.

"Hi!", she says, "I'm Ginny!" She gives me a warm smile that is identical to her mother's. 

"I'm Y/N", I say. 

"I can't believe I have a new friend!", Ginny cheers. I giggle and Ginny laughs too. 

----Time Skip----

"Tell me Y/N", Mr. Weasley says, "How exactly does this work?" He holds up the camera I pulled out of my trunk. 

"Well, it works just like a magical camera", I say, "You point it at what you want to take a picture of and push this button. The only difference is that the pictures don't move." I point the camera at the twins who strike silly poses. I laugh and take the picture. I show Mr. Weasley who stares at the camera in amazement. 

"Fascinating!", he says, "They aren't moving!" I laugh as Mr. Weasley runs off, taking pictures of everything. 

"We should take a family photo!", Ron says, through a mouthful of chicken. 

"That's a great idea, Ron!", Mrs. Weasley says, clapping her hands together, "Everyone get their sweaters!" The Weasleys all run off and I stay in my spot on the couch. The twins are the first back and they give me identical grins that say 'We know something you don't'. I roll my eyes as the rest of the Weasleys come back all grinning like the twins. Mr. Weasley places the camera on the stand just like I showed him. 

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