We Go Down Together! (Harry x Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva. This one might be terrible so I truly apologize. I've had a lot of homework. You are Y/N Lupin and you are a Gryffindor. This takes place during the Battle of Hogwarts. 


"You have to be kidding me, Harry", I say, running my hands through my hair. Hermione rubs my arm in a comforting matter as I glare at my boyfriend. Harry shifts uncomfortable, avoiding my eyes. 

"It's true, Y/N, I'm a Horcrux."

"That doesn't mean you have to die."


"I'm going now."

----Time Skip: Present Day----

"AHHH!!" Harry, Hermione, and I turn to find Ron running towards us. 

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!", he yells, grabbing Hermione's wrist and running away. Harry and I stare at the snake-shaped fire for a few seconds before he grabs my wrist and we start running. 

"I'm going to fucking kill Goyle!", I yell as Harry pushes me in front of him. He starts knocking stuff over to try to slow the fire down. Hermione and I hug each other as Harry quickly shields us all with water. Ron falls and notices a bunch of brooms. He throws one to Harry and one to me before handing one to Hermione. 

"Come on! This way!", Ron yells and we fly by Malfoy and Zabini. 

"We can't just leave them there!", I yell. The three of them ignore me and I look back at Malfoy who gives me a pleading look. 


"She's right! We can't leave them!", Harry shouts. 

"They're joking, right?!", Ron comments. Harry and I turn around with Ron and Hermione following close behind. Harry and I both reach for Malfoy but miss. I pull back as Ron flies past me. 

"If we die for them, Harry, I'm going to kill you!", Ron yells. Harry makes another grab for Malfoy and successfully pulls him onto his broom. Ron grabs Zabini and the six of us fly to get out of the fucking room. I make it out first flying off my broom. 

"Ouch!", I mutter. A hand appears in front of me. I take it, thinking it's Harry, but my eyes meet a pair of cold gray eyes. 

"Lucius Malfoy?" The world goes black before I can try to escape. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Harry's POV

"Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you! On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, women, and child who tries to conceal you from me", Voldemort whispers, "Starting with your precious Y/N." His voice disappears and I feel shivers down my spine. 

"We thought you had gone to the forest", Ron mumbles. 

"I'm going there now", I say walking down the stairs. 

"Are you mad? No, you can't give yourself up to him!", Ron says, as he and Hermione walk down a few steps.

"What is it Harry?", Hermione asks, "What is it you know?"

"There's a reason I can hear them, the Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while and I think you have too", I say, "and I have to go! He has Y/N! I can't let him kill her!" Hermione and Ron both take a breath.

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