George's My Boyfriend (Wolfstar x Daughter! Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Lupin-Black, Sirius and Remus' daughter. For explanation, you are biologically their kid as Lily decided to be their surrogate. You're two years older than Harry (same age as the Weasley twins) and just to avoid any confusion, Sirius is Dad and Remus is Papa. Y/N and George are dating in this one. 


"Georgie!", I yell as I open the door for the Weasleys. He holds his arms towards me and I run into them. George laughs as he spins us around a couple of times. 

"Alright lovebirds, give it a rest", says Fred, "You don't want Sirius to kill George, now do you, Y/N?" I huff as I pull away from George. I start towards Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and give them both hugs. 

"You're just jealous he beat you to her", Ron says as I give him his hug. Fred scoffs as Ginny shoves Ron away from me and tackles me into a hug. 

"I would have asked her first if it hadn't been for you and Harry", he says, fixing Ron with a glare. 

"Jealous is not a good look on you, Freddie", I say as I hug him. He huffs and playfully shoves me away. 

"Whatever Lupin."

"It's Lupin-Black actually." We share cheeky smiles as Papa and Dad appear in the doorway. 

"Y/N, where are your manners?", Dad scolds playfully, "Why are you forcing them to stay outside?" I roll my eyes as Dad waves the Weasleys in. I take my usual spot between Fred and George as the three of us follow after my parents and the rest of the Weasleys. 

"Are you ever going to tell your dad?", George whispers, while taking my smaller hand in his. 

"Yeah, Papa and I just have to figure out how to tell him", I reply. 

"Lupin knows?", asks Fred. 

"Yeah, Papa knows everything", I mumble, "Besides I can't lie to him." 

"That and he walked in on us kissing the last time they were over for dinner", adds George, causing me to swat at him. 

-----Mini Time Skip----

"George", I pant as he pushes me down on the bed. 

"Shush Y/N", whispers George, "We don't want your dad to hear us, now do we?" He straddles me as he heatedly presses his lips against mine again. His hands travel down to my hips as I tug on his hair earning a small moan from him. George starts moving my hips, causing me to grind against him. Both of us moan. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" George and I freeze as I look over his shoulder.


"Sirius!" Dad stands in the doorway fuming as Papa stands behind him with a guilty look. Dad storms into my room (with a guilty Papa following behind) and yanks George off of me. 

"I'm sorry, sweetheart", Papa whispers, "I tried."

"I know", I whisper back as Dad throws George to the floor. 


"Sirius!" George looks up at Dad terrified. 

"Sirius, I swear it's not what it looks like", George mumbles, holding his hands up defensively. 

"It's not what it looks like my ass!", Dad snaps, "You were about to fuck MY daughter!!" George yelps as he dodges the lamp Dad threw at him. He quickly gets up and runs over to me and Papa. He hides behind me as Dad starts towards us. Papa stands in front of us protectively as George clings to me. 

"Sirius, enough!", Papa says, "Let Y/N explain." Dad freezes and shrinks back slightly at the sight of Papa's glare. 

"Dad, George's my boyfriend", I mumble, "He has been since we were 15." 

"You hid this from me for two years?!"



"Because I knew you would react like this! You're too overprotective!" Dad huffs and turns to Papa. 

"Why aren't you surprised?" 

"I knew", Papa mumbles. 

"YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!!", Dad yells, hurt evident on his face. 

"It was Y/N's choice!" Dad looks between the two of us in disbelief before Dad turns to George.

"You forced her not to tell me, didn't you?"



"I-I didn't!"

"Don't lie to me, Weasley!", Dad barks. 

"George's not lying!", I snap, "In fact, George wanted to tell you!" Dad sighs causing all the tension to fade. 

"I'm sorry", he says, "It's just that you're my baby." I duck from under George's arms and hug Dad. 

"I'm sorry too", I mumble into his chest, "I should have told you." Dad smiles before breaking the hug. 

"Sorry about that", says Dad, patting George on the shoulder, "I'm glad it's you, George." George smiles as Papa starts out of the room. Dad follows after him but not before turning back to me and George. 

"Use protection." 

"DAD!!" Dad laughs and winks before exiting the room. 

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