Christmas Special 2: Christmas Fights At The Burrow (Harry x Reader)

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A/N: Merry Christmas Uniquers! Next year, I might do 25 days of Christmas, tell me if you like would like that. Anyways, you are Y/N Weasley. This happens Christmas after the war. 


I sit on the roof of my childhood home, watching as my brothers apparate into the field a few feet away from the Burrow. Charlie's eyes find me on the roof and he waves at me. I wave back as another pop sounds in the distance, causing her to look up. Ginny rushes down to greet their brother Ron's and her best friend Harry Potter. I huff jealously as Ginny throws her arms around him. Harry looks over Ginny's shoulder and spots me as I  hug my knees to my chest. He smiles brightly at me and signals to the house, silently asking me to meet him in the living room. I nod as Harry pulls away from Ginny's embrace. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Hey Y/N", Harry greets, pulling me into his arms. 

"Hi Harry." I smile and bury my face in his shoulder. We stay in each other's arms for longer than normal. Ginny clears her throat and Harry and I jump apart. Ginny glares at me and steps between me and Harry. 

"Harry, Mum asked me to show you where you're staying", Ginny says, smiling sweetly at Harry. Harry raises his eyebrows at me causing me to shrug.

"That's okay, Ginny", Harry says, "I think that after all the years I stayed here, I know my way to Ron's room." Ginny huffs and stocks off. Harry gives me a look and I smile with a small shrug. 

"I'll see you at dinner", I mumble. Harry's cheeks flush as I send a wink in his direction. The door opens as Ron and Hermione step in. Hermione rushes towards me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back and Ron gives me a knowing look over Hermione's shoulder. His eyes dart in between me and Harry. I roll my eyes as Hermione drags me off to find Ginny. 

----Time Skip----

"Y/N, dear, come help me with dinner", Mum says as I untangle myself from Harry and George. Ginny glares at me as Harry gives me his sad puppy eyes and a pout. I roll my eyes, reaching over to ruffle his hair. I stifle a laugh as he purrs and make my way into the kitchen. 

"What do you want me to do, Mum?", I ask. Mum shakes her head and pat the empty counter spot. I hop up as she cuts up potatoes. 

"I just had to get you away from Ginny and Harry", Mum says. 

"Why?", I ask.

"It's obvious Ginny likes Harry, dear", says Mum, "I just thought I'd get you out of her way." I give her a bewildered look, messing with a loose thread on my jumper.

"Get me out of the way?", I mutter. Mum scoffs lightly as she places the knife down. 

"Harry's in love with you", Mum says, "Maybe if you're out of the way, Ginny could charm him and sweep him off his feet." I give her a look that's a mixture of hurt, disbelief, and disgust. 

"What if I'm in love with Harry?", I snap.

"Are you in love with Harry?"

"Of course, I am!"

"Y/N, Ginny deserves to be happy."

"I do too!"

"Keep your voice down", demands Mum, "It's Christmas and we don't need a fight." 

"Mum, you started it!", I snap, "Fuck Christmas with a family who cares more about stupid little slut-faced Ginerva!" Mum looks at me in shock as I jump off the counter. I fight back tears as I run past the others. I hear shuffling and protests behind me as I rush up the stairs. I slam the door shut behind me.

"Y/N?", Harry asks. 

"Go away!"

"Can we talk?" I sigh and shuffle over to the door. I open it and am immediately wrapped in a tight hug. I start sobbing again and I bury my face in his chest, accidentally wiping my snot on his jumper.

"I'm sorry", I sob. Harry waves it off. 

"Did you mean it?", asks Harry. 

"Mean what?"

"Are you in love with me?" I blush and nod. 

"Yeah, I have been since 4th year", I mumble. Harry smiles and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I look up and gasp, causing Harry to shoot up straight. 


"Mistletoe." He looks up and looks back down at me with a smirk. He swiftly presses his lips to mine causing me to gasp. He laughs as my face turns as red as my face. Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. 

"Here", Harry says, "I hope you like it." I raise my eyebrow at him. I open the box and gasp again. A silver bangle with a doe and stag charm rests inside the box. 

"Harry!", I squeal, pulling it on. I throw my arms around him and crash my lips against his. He laughs into the kiss before I pull away. We stare at each other with matching smiles. 

"Happy Christmas, Y/N."

"Happy Christmas, Harry."

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