Sister-Zoned (Charlie x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by CatArialla. You are Y/N Scamander, Newt's granddaughter. You're a Hufflepuff. 


"Charlie!", I yell as Tonks and I hurry after him. Charlie pauses and waits for us to catch up. 

"Hey Tonks", Charlie says hugging Tonks. 

"Wotcher Charlie", Tonks replies.  Charlie smiles at her before he turns to me. I beam at him and he immeditely scoops me up in his arms. 

"Charlie!", I squeal as he spins us around. I catch Tonks's smirk over Charlie's shoulder. I feel my cheeks heat up. I shake my head and she sighs. Charlie puts me down and beams at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Diagon Alley?", Charlie asks pouting. I roll my eyes. 

"I didn't think Grandpa was actually going to let me stay with Tonks", I reply. Charlie smiles shaking his head. He grabs my hand oblivious to the redness in my cheeks. Tonks smirks and walks after us. Charlie stops at the Quality Quidditch Supplies. He looks into the window as Tonks stops next to me. 

"He definitely likes you back", Tonks whispers. I look at her and down at my hand which is still in Charlie's. 

"I don't think so Tonks", I say. She rolls her eyes. 

"You two are so fucking dense." I sigh and glance up at Charlie who was looking longingly at a Nimbus. He looks at me and smiles. I feel myself blush again. 

"Wanna get ice cream?", he asks. 

"Hell yeah!", Tonks cheers walking off. 

"I was asking Y/N!"

"Yeah but I want ice cream!" Charlie shakes his head and I giggle. He smiles at me before tugging me along after Tonks. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"I'll pay!!", Charlie says pushing my hand out of the way.

"I can pay", I say holding my money out. Tonks watches amused. 

"I insist!", Charlie says pushing my hand out of the way again. 

"Thanks Charlie!", Tonks says as I sigh giving in. She grabs her ice cream and starts towards the door. 

"Wait! Tonks, I was just going to pay for mine and Y/N's", Charlie says, "And she's gone." 

"It's on the house", Florean smiles and puts the money back in Charlie's hand. Charlie and I look at him in shock. 

"Florean, we can pay", Charlie says. Florean shakes his head. 

"It's on the house for you two lovebirds", Florean says. Charlie and I look at each other blushing. 

"We're not together", we say in sync. Florean sighs disappointed. 

"But you two would be so cute together", he says. Charlie laughs and swings his arm around my shoulder. 

"We're just best friends", Charlie says, "She's like my sister." I feel my heart shatter. I shrug his arm off and walk out the door. 

"Y/N?" I ignore Tonks and walk off. I hear her rushing after me. 

"I wanna go home",  I say fighting back tears. Tonks nods. 

"I'll go find my parents", Tonks says, "And I'll tell Charlie that we're leaving." 

"I'll go wait in the Leaky Cauldron", I say. Tonks nods and walks off. I sigh sitting down on the curb with my head in my hands. I can't believe I actually thought I had a chance. 

To Be Continued....

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