Don't Worry (Tom Riddle x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: It's hard to believe that I published my very first one-shot 2 years ago. I have grown a lot since then. Even though book 1 is over, I will continue writing my one-shots. I want to thank all of you for helping me grow as a writer. I still can't believe you guys actually read my stuff. So, thank you for helping me. Anyways, you are Y/N Potter (aged 15), the girl who lived. This takes place in your 5th year (Harry's 2nd). You are a Slytherin.


"Ginny?", I ask as I see her writing on the wall. I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me. Her eyes are glazed over. I shiver and begin to pull my hand away. She places her hand over mine and slams me against the wall. 

Shit! When did she get so strong? 

The world begins to fade and I feel my body slump down the wall. 

----Mini Time Skip----

My head throbs as I sit up. The ground is wet and I look around. 

Stone snakes and Salazar Slytherin. I'm gonna die, aren't I?

Footsteps approach and I lift my gaze up to find a boy around my age walking towards me. 

"Who are you?", I ask. He smirks down at me but his eyes widen when he sees the Slytherin crest on my robes. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?", he says. He offers his hand but I don't take it. I stand up on my own and brush my bangs away. His eyes find my scar. 

"Y/N Potter."  He reaches out to stroke my scar but I slap his hand away. 

"Look, don't touch!", I snap. He looks at me with a mix of disgust and amusement. 

"Riddle. Tom Riddle."

"Excuse me?"

"That's my name", he says, "You asked." I start to sit when footsteps approach us. Ginny approaches through the shadows. 

"Ginny?" She ignores me and makes her way to Tom. She stands in front of him facing Salazar's statue. Suddenly, Tom grabs my arm and pulls me towards him.

"Close your eyes and keep them closed", Tom whispers into my ear. I obey him and he starts hissing. 

"Come."  I hear something slithering towards us. I turn and bury my face in Tom's chest. He tenses before wrapping his arms around me. The slithering stops and I open one eye. Ginny and whatever the thing was are gone. 

"What was that?", I ask. 

"Basilisk", Tom replies, poking me. 

"Ouch Tom!"

"This is so weird." 

"What are you talking about?", I ask. 

"I can't touch anyone", Tom says, "I'm a memory. Everything I touch goes through me like a ghost. " I nod confused. 

"How come I can touch you?", I ask, teasingly stroking his cheek. Tom leans into my touch. 

"I have no idea but don't worry", he says, "I'll figure it out." I smile and he places a small kiss on the top of my head. 

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