Christmas Special 1: Secret Santa (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: Merry Christmas Eve, Uniquers! You are Y/N L/N and everyone is friends in this one. So please enjoy and I hope you're excited for tomorrow's Christmas Special. 


"Hey, Y/N!", Fred says, as he and George sit down in front of me. I look up from my book and raise an eyebrow at them. 

"Yeah?", I ask. 

"What's that muggle thing you were talking about?", George asks, "The one about that fat bloke."

"You mean Secret Santa?", I ask. 

"Yeah that", says Fred, "We should do that!" 

"Well, it would require more than three people", I say. The twins smirk and nod their heads plotting. 

"Leave that to us", they say, "Just meet us in the Room of Requirement in 20 minutes." 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Hey Y/N", Draco says, as soon as I walk in. I wave at him, a blush on my cheeks as I take my spot in between Fred and George who smirk at me. 

"Don't start." The two laugh as Draco sits in between Pansy and Blaise. He looks over at the three of us with a questioning look as the rest of our friends appear. Fred and George stand up dramatically. 

"Alright, we have an idea for Christmas!", they announce. Everyone looks at them intrigued. 

"Well come on", Ginny says, "Spit it out!"

"We should do", starts Fred. 

"Secret Santa!", George finishes. Everyone (except Hermione and Harry) looks at them confused and I shift slightly as Fred and George gesture for me to get up. I groan and stand up causing everyone to look at me. 

"Secret Santa is a muggle Christmas game in which members of a group or community are randomly assigned a person to whom they give a gift. The identity of the gift giver is to remain a secret and should not be revealed", I explain, "At least until we give each other gifts." Everyone ohs and nods. 

"So, you guys in?!", the twins shout, resting their arms on my head. 

"I'm in", Cedric says causing everyone else to agree.  I wave my wand making strips of parchment and quills appear in front of everyone. 

"Write your names on it and then put it in this box", I say, holding up said box. Everyone nods and takes their quills. Cedric finishes first and throws it into the box. I put my own slip into the box and sit back down. Once everyone's name is in the box, Fred snatches it up and shakes the box. He tosses it to George who tosses it to me. I catch it and open it. I hold it out to Harry who reaches in. He pulls out a slip and I walk around letting everyone grab a name. I blush as Draco's hand brushes against mine. He smiles at me before I turn away and rush over to Fred and George who take their own slips. I take the last slip of parchment. Opening it, I read Ginny. I smile and shove it into my pocket. 

-----Time Skip: Christmas Eve----

Once again, I'm sitting between Fred and George in the Room of Requirement with the rest of our friends. 

"So, who wants to start?", Fred asks. 

"I'll go", says Pansy. She got Ron, Ron got Cedric, Cedric got Hermione, Hermione got Daphne, Daphne got Harry, Harry got Fred, Fred got Neville, Neville got George, George got Theo, Theo got Blaise got Luna, and Daphne got Luna. I get up and hand mine to Ginny who then gives a present to Draco. Draco looks directly and smiles at me. I look at him confused as everyone rips into their presents. 

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